Monday, December 4, 2006

~Boy, Was That A Busy Weekend~

What a busy busy weekend I had.

I didn't have my normal day off (Friday) this week... so, I really wasn't used to not having three days off to do what I needed to do.

It started Saturday morning, having to get myself and both kids ready for Rowan's dance recital.

Derek had worked Friday night, so I tried to let him sleep in as long as possible... but boy, was he a tired, tired boy.

Anyways.  Not only did I have to get Rowan ready for her dance recital (pictures to come), I had to get myself ready for the bridal shower that my mom and I were attending for my future SIL...

The bridal shower that happened to be a good 1 1/2 hours away...

Let me tell you, I was surprised to actually get out of the house on time! 

I was super glad that my mom and I were actually able to get to see Rowan dance.  We were worried that we'd have to leave before she got to dance...

But, she danced in the 11th act... so, we had no problem... since the dances are maybe 2-3mins each.  If that.

Rowan looked so cute when she was up there.  I had done her hair curly and put some really pretty makeup on her... nothing dramatic that you see some girls wearing, but just enough to accent her beauty ;)

Here she is... Princess Rowan...

Isn't she such a doll... I mean, yeah, I think that about her because she is my baby... but come on... I know you think it too ;)

Here she is dancing... I'm not sure if she was off at this point... but she knew the dance... even if she was off.

Just another of her...

Don't let that look fool you... Her halo is held up by her horns!

She had a really good time doing her dance.  I was very proud of her.  She seems to enjoy dancing too.  I think when she gets to be 6yrs old, I'll get her into the Hip-Hop class there... I think she'd like that even more than ballet/tap.

So, after Ro's recital my mom and I left for the bay area. 

Derek was such a good daddy that day and took Rowan and Zachary back to her evening dance recital.  I wasn't sure on how he'd deal with that, but he did a good job.


My mom and I headed off to the bridal shower.  It was so lovely.  The theme was a tea party... so there was iced tea (or course) and champage drinks and lots of snacky foods.

We played games!  I even won the Word Scramble game... getting an apron and a thing for making tea.  I think it holds the tea bag in your cup or something.  I'm not sure... lol.

The gifts that we were given for coming were the cutest though.  We got little tea pots... that we could either use for tea or for candles.  I haven't decided what I want to do with it yet... but I'm sure I will soon :)


Okay, so after we left the party, my mom drove me all the way back to where the dance recital was.  I was meeting Derek there and my mom was grabbing the kids for us... my parents were watching them for us that evening so Derek and I could go to a White Elephant Party.

Let me tell you.

I had so much fun!

The people hosting the party are friends of ours through the police department.  Everyone there was either a police officer or a fireman, or both... lol.

The hostest had a wine tasting bar for us ladies... while the host had the keg for the boys.

I had never done a wine tasting... it was interesting and I found that I actually enjoyed a merlot and chardonnay.  And I'm not a wine person.  Champagne, maybe... Wine no.

The whole gift exchange to do with the White Elephant Party was hilarious.  Derek said we are keeping our present that we stole for next years gift... keep it going, you know?


I'm glad we had my parents watch the kiddos though.  We didn't get home until after 130am!  I never ever stay up that late... lol. 

Between the wine/champagne and the lack of sleep, I was really dragging yesterday. 

I stayed in bed until 915am and when Zachary took a nap, I layed down in bed with him and read.  I don't think I had a hangover... but I sure wasn't myself.

At 130pm, my mom came by the house to pick me up so we could go to a high school sober grad night fundraiser.

The fundraiser?


Boy, was it fun.  I think my SIL (who is on the commity) is going to try and put together a Buncko group since we had so much fun!


Okay guys.  Its late and I've rambled on long enough.  I'll leave you with this picture of my "Men". 

Derek took this of him and Zachary at the recital.  Aren't they stinking adorable??

Have a great evening Friends.


Anonymous said...

Honey you have the CUTEST KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yea and your Hubby is HOT! LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what the heck is going on with AOL these days, but no, I didn't get an alert for this entry. I know I didn't because I always come right here when I get one.

Anyway, it was SO not a good time for you to lose that extra day with all you had going on. You kept a good sense of humor about it all, because I know you had to be tired from all of it. Thank God you had some fun stuff to do in all those hours, anyway.

The kids look more and more like you everytime I see them. Little Miss Rowan is almost a carbon copy!

Everyone looks great. Glad you survived it all!


Anonymous said...

OMG, that last pic of your hunky hubby and handsome Zach is the BEST!  I would have that framed for sure in my living room!  I can't believe how long Zach's hair is getting!  WOW!  And, of course Rowan looked beautiful, she is ALWAYS beautiful!!  I can't believe you were able to take pics at the recital.  That was a no-no when Bethany took dance, only at the dress rehearsal.  So glad it went well for her.  You were so busy that I am tired reading about your weekend!!!!  Ahhhh, the life of young parents!!  :)
Hugs and love,
P.S.:  I have reset my alerts since you know I don't like missing even one pic of your family!

Anonymous said...

I second "orangekiss3" comment about your hubby, but you already knew that.  ;)

Anonymous said...

Please tell what a White Elephant party is!!

My goodness, i wish I had half the life you guys do!! Hopefully we make some good friends on base in Germany and are able to be social like that!!


Anonymous said...

Rowan looks so good in that color! she is so pretty. And little Zack has the most beautiful blue eyes.  And your husband is a good looking thing..You are one lucky gal Jen..
Hugs, Cassie

Anonymous said...

You've been busy busy!
Love the pic of Derek and Z-man...too cute!

Anonymous said...

I'd also like to know what the White Elephant Party is.  I've heard of them before, but I have no idea what it actually is.  Looks like you guys were very busy!  Great pics of Rowan and your men.  :)

Anonymous said...

I never get alerts anymore so I am glad that you sent the email.
I loved the pictures and it seemed like you had a good time at all the parties!

Anonymous said...

You are right, she is precious, with those huge eyes....she is a real little beauty

Anonymous said...

Rowan is so beautiful! She looks like she is having fun in the pics.

The pic of Zach and Derek is great also! He looks just like his Daddy!!!

I love white elephant parties! We always go to one my husband's aunt has. We have a blast.

Have a good weekend! I guess I'll be seeing you over at the 'space ;).


Anonymous said...

She looks so cute! Man, that brings back memories.  I loved dance lessons when I was her age.  The costumes were the best.

Anonymous said...

Rowan looked cute for her recital.  They're so cute to watch them dance.  Yep, I'd say you had a super busy day.  TIme to relax a little now :)


Anonymous said...

Rowan looked cute for her recital.  They're so cute to watch them dance.  Yep, I'd say you had a super busy day.  TIme to relax a little now :)
