Saturday, December 9, 2006

~Can You Feel It?~

It's getting closer.

I can't believe that Christmas is only 16 days away.

It doesn't seem right, does it?

I can't believe how quickly this year has flown by.

And how quickly my children are growing up!! 

Next month, Rowan will be 5 years old... and Zachary will turn 2 in February!!

Wow, I guess time really does fly when you are having fun :)


So, yesterday was my day off and I did some shopping.

I've always done shopping for Christmas in parts.  You know, not everything at once.  Well, not yesterday.

I went to Target with Zachary after we had dropped Rowan off at school.  I'm glad he is still young enough that I can actually do the Christmas shopping with him and not be worried that he's going to spill the beans or figure out what is for him :)

Let me just say, I'm proud of myself.  I made a HUGE dent in what I needed to get... mostly for my kids and younger niece and nephew.  I even stuck to my list of what I wanted to get them.  Didn't venture off and buy things that Derek and I didn't discuss.

The only thing I didn't really know what I was going to get for them were the stocking stuffers... but I found a few things (like a microphone from Parents for both and flashlights for both of them) so I think those will be okay for them.

I about died though when I checked out.  I can't remember the last time I spent that much money at one time... and all by myself.  Too keep my innocent until proven guilty, I won't say how much I did spend... but I'm REALLY glad I don't have to buy too much more ;)


After picking Rowan up from school... and making sure I had hid the presents in my closet... we went and got Dog Food.  Both of our dogs, Lola and Tango (D's dog for work) have to be on special food due to skin allergies.  I swear, is there a real reason why dog food has to be so stinkin' expensive?  I wish we could feed them the inexpensive stuff... but they'd both be chewing themselves alive... and then there would be vet bills... so, I guess it is kinda worth it to pay a bit extra for the food.

I treated Rowan and Zachary to McDonalds for lunch yesterday too.  Along with treating myself and Derek to Chicken and Beef teriakyi from the Sushi restaurant... Yes, I got me some yummy sushi as well :)

Unfortunately, the Beef teriakyi that I bought Derek is still in the fridge.  When I got home, he was already up and having to go to work for a SWAT call out.  So, he didn't have time before or after to eat it.  I hope he'll have it for lunch today... thankfully, if he doesn't, we'll only be out $7 for it.


Last night the kids and I went to my parents for dinner and visiting.  We had Chinese food... yummo.  It is funny how different restaurants can make the same stuff, but it tastes different.  I liked the food last night though... will have to go there again.

Today I am supposed to be taking the kids to see "Happy Feet" with my in laws.  Rowan will have a good time, hanging out with her cousins and what not... but I'm not sure how Mr. Z will take his first movie.  Thankfully, I think he is free... so if I have to spend some time out running the halls with him, it won't be too bad :)


Okay, I'm going to go and get myself and the kids cleaned up.  I want to try and get them to take a picture in front of our tree... then upload them to Walgreens so I can get my Christmas cards out before the end of the month... lol.

Have a great day, Friends.


Anonymous said...

No need to remind me when Christmas is.  I know!  It's 2 paychecks away, that's how I have to look at it.  Good for you getting most of your shopping done!  It's great having a child that is too young to realize all you are putting in your cart isn't it?!  All your food is making me hungry!!  You eat the best stuff over there (well, except the sushi stuff).  Can't wait to see how the pic of the kids comes out!!!  :)
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I just did some of the xmas cards from walgreen's online.  It was the 1st time I've done pics online like that.  They came out pretty good!  :)  I'll probably be mailing them out tomorrow.  TTYL!!

Anonymous said...

It doesn't really feel like Christmas to me.  Where did the year go??

It's crazy how fast things add up.  I'm still amazed at how much I spent on ONE kid.  I guess I tend to go way overboard though because she is the only one.  I'm always stumped on stocking stuffers too.  I usually get Casey some bonne bell lip glosses, candy, toothbrush...things like that.  I give her a toothbrush and  Never occured to me before now.  

Now I want some Chinese!  


Anonymous said...

We have spent a but load on christmas too, and we don't even have any kids!
I can imagine what you spent @ Target.
Have a good day!!