Thursday, March 20, 2008

Okay, What's New?

So, its been a while since I've done an entry... I swear, I'm becoming a slacker at this whole journaling thing...

Anyways, I guess I should write about what is "new" or "going on" in the Pickle Jar...

Lets see:

* I am just getting over the flu - again.  Yes folks, you read that write.  I had the flu back in late January... and ended up with it again earlier this month.  Last time the flu gave me bronchitis... this time I got a bit of the bronchitis again and a sinus infection.  Oh god, sinus infections are so painful.

* Not only did I get the flu this time... but so did Derek, my parents and I think even Zach got a bit of it. 

* Derek and Zach were both lucky and bounced back really quickly from it... but my parents and I weren't so lucky.  We are still feeling the effects.

* Tomorrow I'm going to get my hair done... and then have an evening out with my friends for my best friend Amy's birthday.

* I'm really thankful that I'm going to get some Adult Time... it feels like its been FOREVER...

* It's not like I don't love my kids and love being around them... but sometimes, a Mama needs a break, ya know?

* Easter is Sunday - we don't really have any big plans.  Derek works the night before and that evening... so we'll have a little Easter egg hunt in the morning and probably a breakfast... then he'll sleep.  The kids and I will be going to my parents house that afternoon for Easter dinner...

* Mom thinks she is going to make Corned Beef and Cabbage because she didn't get to have it for St. Patricks Day, due to being sick.  I told her that sounded great (I'm not much of a traditional ham person!)...

* The kids are excited... actually, I would say its Rowan more than anything... Zach doesn't really understand that Easter is on Sunday... I'm sure he'll be excited that morning... but Rowan is counting down the days!!

* Speaking of Rowan... she started T-Ball last week.  Its so cute to watch those little munchkins run around and try to hit off a tee.  I hope she has a good time...

* Pictures will be a must :)

SO, yeah, that is about all I can think of at the moment... I'm rather ready for my day to end...

I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday weekend...


Anonymous said...

gosh i hope the sick germs stay away from you guys for a chance!
hope you have a great adult night
and a wonderful easter

Anonymous said...

Oh, I didn't realize Row had started T-ball!  God, I bet that's cute.  If Parker would do something like that, I'd enroll him ASAP.  Just not sure he would.  I used to do t-ball when I was little.  :)

Have a great Easter weekend, twinnie.  And feel better!

Remember, we don't want to sound like lifelong smokers for much longer.  LMAO  


Anonymous said...

Always good to hear from you. I hope that everyone gets a nice long bout of good health, what with T-Ball season and all :)

Get some pics of the little Athlete!

See ya soon.