Friday, May 12, 2006

~Stoppin' By For a Quick Hi~

Hey ya'll.


I just wanted to stop by for a quick hi.

Both of my kids are actually playing on their own right now, so I thought I'd take this quiet moment of mine to stop in.


Things here in the Pickle house are as crazy as ever.  We are just on the go-go-go all the time.

This weekend alone is going to be extremely busy!


Tomorrow morning, the kids and I are being picked up bright and early at 730am by my parents and then we are heading out to the Bay Area to see my grandma.

We are going to visit... clean... do yard work... and celebrate Mother's Day a little early.

Then, tomorrow afternoon the kids and I will be going over to my SIL's house for the celebration of Mother's Day for that side of the family.  Derek has to work, which is a huge bummer... so it will just be us three.

It will be a nice time... the kids can swim... there will be BBQ and I am going to bring stuff to make Rootbeer Floats. YUM!!


Then... Sunday is Mother's Day and my Birthday!!!

The kids and I will be going to my parents house to hang out over there and have some BBQ.

We'll also celebrate both Mother's Day and my birthday over there. 

Poor Derek has to work too... so he is going to miss out on two great BBQ dinners in a row!


Monday is back to reality... but for only a little bit.

Rowan has school and then gymnastics.  They are back to gymnastics after having it shut down last Monday because they had GymFest the weekend before.  She sure loves gymnastics... but is having a hard time with dance still.


And what happens on Tuesday people???  That's right... Derek and I are off to Disneyland for 3 days... Woo Freakin' Hoo.  I'm too damn excited about this!!

Derek even got me a new camera (my digital died) for my birthday and gave it to me early so I could learn how to use it well enough before we went to Disneyland!!

Let me tell you, the camera is awesome... it is seriously as small as a Cell Phone!!


Enough about what is coming up for us.


Let me tell you a little about the kiddos.


Rowan is doing well.  She has started to show a little attitude that I'm not liking much, but she is 4 and coming into her own person I suppose.  I just have to keep reminding her that she isn't 14 but 4.

Then there is the Zach-man.

He is still attempting using the potty.  The other morning he woke up and when I went to change his diaper, I noticed it was dry as a bone.  So I took him straight to the potty where he promptly went tinkle!  Such a big boy he is!

Yet, there is something he has been doing lately that isn't so good... he is biting :(

In the last week and a half, he has bit his sister 3 times.  Two times pretty badly and once just a nip on her belly.  Rowan was never a biter, so I'm not too sure on how to deal with it.  Any suggestions???


Okay, quiet time is over.  I've got a little boy pushing his way into my lap and I also got a load or two of laundry to fold and a floor to sweep :)


Happy Mother's Day to all those wonderful Mom's out there...

And Happy Weekend to You all!

~Pickle Jenn~



Anonymous said...

Sounds like it's going to be a great weekend.  A weekend full of eating good food, who could ask for anything more ?!?!  lol

I wish I had some advice for you on the biting.  Casey wasn't a biter either.  I do know it's VERY common though.  It makes you wonder what makes them even think to bite.  How do they know it's going to hurt?  

Have a Happy Mother's Day and birthday!!


Anonymous said...

I know it sounds harsh?  but when Austin bit? and he only did it for a short time...I bit him back...not hard....but just enuf to show him it does not feel teeth real pain....but that stopped him very quickly...cant wait to hear about your mom and dad vacation!


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful Birthday...
Mothers Day...and trip to Disneyland!!!
Can't wait to see the pics...

Anonymous said...

wow busy weekend bbq yummm!
enjoy your mothers day jenn!
and take lots of pictures at that disney land trip! how exciting i'm jealous, lol! :)
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a very busy but wonderful weekend planned!  I remember the days when my family would all get together on Mother's day for Strawberry Shortcake at my Grandmother's house.  It was a great time.  Family is what is important on that day and having your children with you.  HOORAY on the new digital camera!  I can't believe how small they are now, some are the size of a credit card!!  Matthew went through a biting stage and he bit HARD when he did!!  Left marks, broke the skin and left bruises.  It was awful!  I don't really remember what we did, but we didn't bite him back like people tell you to do.  I think that when they do it and you firmly tell them "NO!" that they get over it within a month or so.  At least I think so and HOPE so for Rowan's sake!  LOL!  Have a great weekend and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY SWEETY!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Well you have a great birthday and a great Mother's Day. That was so nice to get a camera. I hope you have a great time at disney.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day to you as well!  Have a great trip to Disney!  :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a fun Mother's Day/Birthday!

The trip will be awesome :)

We had biters in the toddler room.  Of course, we couldn't hit or bite them back (though for a last resort, I would to my own child.. they don't understand it hurts)

But there, we use cocoa powder.  The unsweetened type.  Rub it on the gums after they bite and it usually works after a few times.  Babies that age use their mouths to feel the texture of things- like we use our hands.  

Grace only bit like two times..  once I used lemon juice rubbed on her gums but she liked it.  The next time, I rubbed a dab of soap (like one drop).. I don't remember her biting after that.  (That was before I worked at the daycare and knew about cocoa)

Hope something works!


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day and Birthday! Enjoy Disneyland!

Anonymous said...

I hope that you had a great birthday and mothers day!

Enjoy your trip!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jenn, long time no see! I came along to see you off on your trip. That's my favorite place in the world, and I hope you have a great time.

The kids are doing great, huh? I wouldn't sweat the biting phase too much, as long as he is reprimanded every time (one time I agree with "time outs")  My son went through it, and it's funny it was the same time as he was potty training too. It passed eventually.

Enjoy your trip, and lots of pictures when you come back.