Sunday, October 1, 2006

~Sunday Ramblings~

Wow, its Sunday already, eh?

What happened to the weekend?

I can't believe its gone already.


I wish I had another day or so...


So, anyways... I'm going to go on with my ramblings now...


*I went out with some friends last night.

*Dinner and then went to a bar downtown.  Now I know why I never did the bar scene... it really isn't for me.

*I did have a good time though.  We played shuffle board and hung out... it was nice to get out for a bit.


*I have an awesome husband who stayed home with the babes.

*He's worn out now though... not because of the kids... but because he has been painting our den.  He's crazy... let me tell you  :)


*Rowan is still sick

*Running a fever from anywhere of 99.5 to 102.

*It is getting old.

*Derek will be taking her to the doctors tomorrow...

*I wish I could take her... but I have to be at work.


*My hubby made chicken soup for dinner tonight...

*It was oh-so-yummy... that and bread with butter, makes the best dinner ever!


*It wasa perfect dinner for today too... It actually rained here!!

*I can't wait for it to be like that more often...

*We are looking at weather in the 80's this next week though...

*Big Bummer!


*My husband turns 26 on Tuesday...

*I can't wait!!

*We are celebrating on Saturday though... because he has to work.

*Pizza and Beer at a local joint that he loves... should be a blast!


Well friends... I'm pretty tired.  Going to bed at 2am isn't something that I'm used to these days... so, I think I'm going to catch up on my journal reading, myspace hopping, and watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition... then I'm going to hit the hay.

Hope each and every one of you had a great weekend.



Anonymous said...

I went through a couple years of the bar scene...nowadays
it just isn't for me either...damn feel like i am getting old admitting  The best part is drinking and dancing...and socializing with friends...i can do that at  Glad you had a good time...I sure hope Rowan feels better soon...everyone is's this crazy weather change. Here in Kentucky one night last week it got down in the 40's..and now this week we are gonna be in the 80's also i believe...UGH!  I've been stopped up with a scratchy throat this past week.
Happy early Birthday to Derek!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me live through you and know what it's like to actually get out of the house and have fun!!  Sounds like a blast!  I wouldn't know what to do at the bar scene now and days, haven't been since the early 90's!  LOL!  Your hubby can't sit still huh?  Can he come and paint my computer room for me?  I promise I won't touch.  Hee-hee-hee!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

So why's the hubby crazy for painting the den?  What color is he painting it?

Anonymous said...

Yah, I had a good weekend; can't complain.

But yours sounded funner, lol!


Anonymous said...

I hope Rowan feels better soon..
get some rest..