Friday, September 29, 2006

~Friday Thoughts~

Some random thoughts on this Friday evening...

*I'm full... I just had a Sushi dinner... Dragon Roll, California Roll and Spicy Tuna Roll.  Can you say, Yummo?

*My kids are sick.... again.

*Rowan has some sort of virus.  Fever of around 102 and she says her head hurts... as well as her ears.  My mom, her Yaya, took her to the Drs yesterday... he said there is no ear infection, but that she still has the blue playdoh in her ear!! lol...

*Zachman has an ear infection... but doing so much better.  Amazing how 2 days of antibiotics can change the way someone feels.

*My hubby is tired... tired... tired...

*He worked last night (7pm-6am) and had dog training this morning... came home for an hour and a half nap... then went to lunch and a movie with some buddies.  I'm surprised he is still some what coherent :)

*I'm tired too... but thankfully a 3 hr nap this afternoon with my babies helped :)

*Tomorrow I'm going out with the girls... can I get a Whoop Whoop??

*I can't believe Sunday is the first day of October...

*Christmas is right around the corner... eek!!

*Did I mention that I'm extremely full?? Yeah, I am.

*Zachary had his cardiologist appointment today...

*He is officially OFF of his heart meds...

*Please think of him... wish him that he has no episodes of SVT...

*I'm scared shitless about it!

*Tomorrow, if Ro is up to it... I think we are going to go look at some trailers...

*I hate it that my babies aren't their normal selves right now.

*I'm happy happy that its Friday... and that my hubby is home.


Okay, I think that is it...

Have a great weekend everyone.




Anonymous said...

I will be saying prayers AND keeping my fingers crossed that the Z-man does well without his heart meds!  If the doctor thinks it's okay, then it should be okay.  He did keep him on them for longer than you thought and that is probably a good thing.  Sorry to hear the kids aren't feeling well.  I know that feeling.  :(  Trailers?  You mean like, GASP, camping trailers!??!  Ugghhhh!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Z-man is off his meds, but I'm sure it's scary too.  I'll be thinking of him and praying for  him!  :)  I'm sure he'll do fine though!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Zach is going to be fine!  Hope both the kids get to feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Thats great that Zach is off the meds! That means that he's gotten better! I will continue to say a prayer for him so he will continue to be the healthy boy that he has become!

Have a great time with the girls!

Hope the kids get over their virus...mine just came down with a cold the other day :-(


Anonymous said...

Trailers as in Toy Haulers..?  I knew ya'll were talking
about getting one awhile back...
Glad Zach is off his meds, sounds like he is doing great...
will keep him in my thoughts and prayers though that he keeps doing great....Hope he and Rowan feel better soon....
Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Life gets fixed one step at a time! The news about Z-Man and his medicines had to be welcome news. I'll toss in an extra prayer tonight for his continued well-being! And Rowan will be herself again in no time; just frustrates how often the little ones get sick, right?

Have a nice relaxing weekend, and good luck with the trailer!


Anonymous said...

Yay!  No more meds for Zachman!

Why the heck are your kids always sick?  They aren't in daycare are they?  Dang, those poor kids, no wait POOR YOU!  I would be tearing my hair out!

Ciara was always sick and never went to daycare.   Everytime I turned around she had a fever, tonisiltis and ear infections. Alex was sick like twice since birth...he does have stomach problems on occasion but that's because he overeats.  Julie has never had anything more than a runny nose and she's been raised in a daycare.  I think you need plastic bubbles for those kiddos, or you need to move!

Did ya have fun this weekend?  Um, me, not so much.  Today (Sunday) was Bill's little brother's birthday and the 25th will be the 7 year anniversary of his death.  He's never really showed any emotions in the past about his passing but today really got to him.


Anonymous said...

Geez...seems like your kids are always sick with something.  Poor things.  I hope they get to feeling better super SOON!!  

I can understand why you're scared about Zach being off his meds.  I would be too.  I'm sure he'll be just fine though.  I will still keep him in my prayers though ;)


Anonymous said...

What great news about Zachary!! I am so happy to hear that.

Poor Ro. I hope she feels better soon.
