Sunday, September 10, 2006



I said Brr.


Brr is right for right now.

I'm sitting next to my open dining room windows and it is a good 58 degree's outside. 

I'm so glad to finally say Brr.

And to finally turn off the damned A/C. 

We actually had ours turned off all day yesterday... thank goodness.

Those Electric bills have been killing us!!


Anyways, enough about Brr.


Not a whole lot has been going on in the Pickle Jar.

Derek went back to work yesterday (Saturday) but he has today off... thanks to the graces of another officer who was willing to take the day for him.

He really wanted to be home with us...

And to watch the first Sunday of football :)

lol... men.

Whatever works though... its wonderful to have him home...


The kids are doing really well.

Zachary is progressing with his potty training- as you can see from the entry below.

He is trying to talk and sometimes surprises us all with new "words"...

It is the funniest thing though... he actually does this weird baby talk.  Yeah, I know... the whole goo-goo... ga-ga... weird talk like that.

Yet, he only does it to his sister!  And boy, does it make him laugh...


Rowan is well, Rowan.

She has hit that independent stage and can seriously drive me insane lately.

She has forgotten her manners while at home... she is learning to talk back... and well, she seriously thinks she is 14... not 4.

The last few days have been rough.

I don't know if I'm just easily bothered by it... short patience to say.

Or if it is really that bad... lol

I've had to tell her a few times that I'm the mom, she is the daughter.


Luckily though... she is mostly a good girl... and those moments don't happen as much as the good do.

If they did, I think I'd be locking myself up in the looney bin :)

lol... jk, jk.



What else.


Oh yes.

I'm still on Jenny Craig.

As of yesterday, I'm on my 7th week!!

Can you believe it?

I'm still liking it... but because I have made a few poor food choices in the last weeks, I've only lost those 9lbs.

But this week I turned over a new leaf and have a good to drop 2lbs and to walk 3-4 times.

I've already walked once... so, I've got only 3 more days of walking to meet that part of my goal.

And hopefully with this new leaf turned over, I'll drop those 2lbs and get back on track.


Well, speaking of which... its time for me to go eat breakfast.  I'm starving... Today, I'm having a Sunshine Sandwich.  English muffin... turkey ham (how can turkey be ham? I don't know... but its good)... egg with cheese.  SO, its basically a healthy alternative to McDonald's egg mcmuffin :)


Toodles Friends.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I know all about the daughter thinking she is 14 when she is only 4 or 5 years old.  But, think of this, we want them to be strong women when they get older able to assert their independence, so they are just testing that out right now that's all.  They do have to know though that they can only push so far without making you nuts!  It's all testing the boundaries right now for them.  I am LOVING the chilly weather we are having here in New England, LOVING IT!  We have our windows open today too for the first time all week and it's so nice to have a breeze coming in the windows for a change.  Glad to hear hubby is home, even if it is to watch the dreaded football.  UGGHHH!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

You and I are in the same boat.  Both of my girls think that they re all that and a bucket of KFC.  Its funny in some ways, to watch their facial expression, but maddening in others and sometimes its hard not to bust out laughing.

Keep up the good work on Jenny Craig! In my book, it's ok to have a bad week here and there as long as you can get yourself right back on track :-D



Anonymous said...

Oh I hear ya w/ the Brr! It is down right chilly here in the evenings and early mornings. Fall has difinitely arrived here in Southern Maine. Big suprise:-)

I also hear you on the electric bills. My husband ran the A/C 24/7 since spring. I hated it. I wanted fresh air, he wanted the A/C, Even when it was a comfortable 75 degrees out. Oh no, That was too hot for him. He drove me nuts!! Not to mention he knows how it irritated my sinuses. But now we are going to have to deal with the oil bill every 3 weeks to keep this ole house liveable this winter. That is a headache of its own.

Glad the kids are doing well. Congrats. on Zach's progress w/ potty training. Rowan is at that stage I remember only too well w/ my nieces. But enjoy it while you can. They grow up so fast.

Enjoy the Football game.

Tias Tales

Cannot auto link. Not working today. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it all sounds good. I know what you mean about the electric bill...close to needing a second mortgage to pay them.

Sounds like things are fine with the kids. Good luck with Rowan, lol, the first 100 years are the hardest, so no worries.

Enjoy football, ok?


Anonymous said...

I have a 5 yr old and a 3 yr old that like to get sassy mouths at times, so I use sassy sauce! It's 1 drop of hot sauce per age. It works like a charm and mostly if they get a little sassy when talking or responding to me I just ask them if they want sassy sauce and it normally stops righ then! :)

Glad your husband was able to be home today. My football game was very disappointing (I'm a Chiefs fan).

Anonymous said...

aww yes kids. LOL. You think they talk  back when they are 4. LOL Just wait. Good luck with Jenny Craig. You'll do it.

Anonymous said...

It's been quite cool here lately too.  I'm with you thought on loving the AC being off.  Those bills get super rediculous.  

Gotta love it when kids decide to become sassy...ugh!  Casey's new thing is stomping off...drives me nuts!


Anonymous said...

Brr? In Cali? Sounds good to me...I am ready for the brr to get here.

Sassy already, huh? Get's all up hill from here. ;)

Keep up the good work with JC. Before we know it, you'll be kicking Kirstie Alley off to do your own commercial.
