Sunday, January 14, 2007

Quiet Weekend.

Well, it sure has been a pretty quiet weekend here in the Pickle Jar.


I had to work on Friday, so that made my weekend a bit shorter than I am used to.  But it was okay... It was a quiet day at work with our phones/internet being down.


Saturday the kids and I slept in until about 830am.  That is pretty good, especially since my kids aren't ones to really sleep in that much.

That afternoon we went to a birthday party for a fellow journalers son, Daniel.  Laura from "Adventures in Juggling"  invited my monsters to go and join her and her family and friends for Daniel's 5th birthday.

The kids had a great time at the gymnastics place... I just wish I had remembered to bring the camera!!  I got half way there and remembered it... bummer.


Today I spent most of my time cleaning up...

I cleaned out some cabinets, drawers and helped Rowan clean her room.  We still aren't done with that, but we'll finish later this week.

Rowan's birthday is coming up.  It is the 23rd but we are throwing her a Surprise Party on the 20th.

Yes, I said Surprise Party... she has no idea that we are throwing her a party or when we are doing it.  See, I am going to take her to the mall to do a Build-a-Bear (which we do every year on her bday) and then to lunch.

After lunch we'll head home and find a party when we get there...

I think it will be fun... and I can't wait to see her face :)


Anyways... so not much is going on today...

I am going to go and start dinner in a bit.  A simple dinner of stir-fryed chicken and vegetables.  Maybe some rice if I can talk Derek into it... lol.  He is really wanting to focus on No-Carbs.  So, we'll see.

But right now, I'm off to open up a bottle of wine and have a glass... then maybe do some blog hopping before starting dinner :)


I hope you all had a great weekend.

See you on the flip side :)


Anonymous said...


No news is good news right?..;)..Hope all is great on your side of the world. I miss talking to you more. Hopefully we can correct this IMMEDIATELY!! haha

ANyways, have a great week girl. I have a date tomorrow..;)

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Quiet weekends are the best!!  I look forward to those.  

A surprise party is an awesome idea.  I think I might have to steal this for Casey's next Birthday.  
