Monday, September 20, 2010

Like I'm Not Busy Enough

Like most mommas, I'm pretty busy.

Between work, after school activities and other functions - we run full tilt around here.

And well, I've gone and made things more busier.

I signed the boy child up for gymnastics - all because he wanted to do it. But hey, why would there be any other reason to, right?

So, tonight, he had his first class in the boys' pre-progressive group. He seemed to enjoy himself and came away telling me, "I love gymnastics Mom!". I'm thinking signing him up will be good for him.

Right now, Rowan is doing cheer leading and has guitar lessons - So I was thinking he might have been feeling somewhat left out. I think his age is good to be doing this... and who knows where this will lead. I do know he wants to do some kind of martial arts, but I'll see how he handles these classes before putting himself else that takes a lot of dedication as well.

And you want to hear something even crazier?

I have gone and added Rowan to a girls class that is the same time as Zachary's.

Yea, like we don't have enough on our plate with her - between Cheer, guitar and 4H. LOL

I honestly don't care though. I believe putting the kids into as many things possible - with out having their grades or health falter - to keep them involved and out of trouble.

Having sports and other activities (like 4H) that make you keep your grades up and keep yourself out of trouble to participate in are good things for the kids. I know it made a difference for me when I was growing up... and I want my kids to have that same experience.
With all these activities, I think it's time for a sign on my car that says, "Mom Taxi"... LOL


Jennifer Verissimo Triplett said...

You seriously are Super Mom! And your kids are so lucky that you want them to be involved in so many different things - they will truly appreciate all of your dedication when they're older :)

Heather said...

You are such a great mom. There is not way I could handle of that.

I bow down to you in reverence...