Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Yea, that would be a great way to describe how I'm feeling at the moment.

Colds seriously suck.

They suck the life out of you.

They make you not want to do a single thing. And they pretty much not allow you to accomplish anything you had wanted to do... um, like work out.

I've found it hard to work out when you can't breath out of your nose... and being a mouth breather sucks.

The chapped lips suck even more.


What a downer of a post this is, right?

So, I'm pretty sure you've guessed, I didn't accomplish my work out that I wanted to do last night... After suffering through cheer practice, I went home and melted into the couch and stayed there until it was time for bed.

I wasn't even able to stay up to watch the season premiere of "Sons of Anarchy".

Thank goodness for DVR's.

Now, to attempt getting through the day...

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

When you feel better you'll get back into your workout routine! I know you can do it! :)