Thursday, December 14, 2006


This entry is going to be all highlights... only because I'm completely frustrated with myself.  I had a whole entry almost done, hit the backspace button one too many times and "Poof" it was gone.

*Been dealing with Rowan and an upset belly since early Wednesday morning.

*Don't know if it was a flu virus or something else (constipation) that was bother her, but she seems to be back to her normal self... in more ways than one ;) haha... TMI I know...

*Zachary woke up all croupy this morning.  Has a bit of a fever too.

*Fluids and Triamatic have been helping... will be surely running the humidifier tonight too.

*Went and got my nails done... just a special treat for myself.  Wanted them for the Holidays and for my bro's wedding (the first week of Jan)

*Bought myself two new Nora Roberts books at Target after my nail appt... along with other things.

*"The Calhouns: Suzanna and Megan" and "The Calhouns: Catherine, Amanda and Lilah"... they sounded interesting, so I picked them up.

*Right now, I'm reading "Charmed and Enchanted" a book with the two stories in it from "The Donovan Legacy".

*Can you tell I'm addicted to Nora Roberts lately?

*Still potty training Zachary.  Twice today he has run off to the bathroom saying "eww" - his word for number 2- and gone.  And he has gone multiple times for number 1.  I hope by the time he is 2 in February he'll be pretty close to done... and out of diapers.

*Guess I'll be needing to get more of the Kandoo wipes from Pampers that Ro uses.

*Christmas is only 11 days away... still have a few more things to pick up... but should be able to get it all in one day.

*Did most of the wrapping last night.  Only a few certain gifts are not done... just because they either stay unwrapped or certain people were around and I couldn't wrap them :)


Okay, I think that is all I wanted to write about... Obviously it was nicer written all out and not in bulletin form... but hey, I didn't want to rewrite it all... so, this is what I give ya :)


Hope you all have a great Thursday night... I am back to work tomorrow morning- been switching my days of every other Friday for every other Thursday... still getting used to it :X



Anonymous said...

Aaaahk, Christmas countdown!  lol
Hope she's feeling better.  My girl was sick recently too. :(  But much better now. :)
Wish me luck, I'm still in the thick of my shopping  But it's not too hard.  I'll get it

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO Zachy!!!!  That is just amazing how he is going all on his own.  What a good boy!!  Sorry Rowan isn't feeling well.  She is such a petite little thing and it stinks when she has tummy problems.  You ARE addicted to Nora Roberts, but beware of Robert Burnout.  I was like that and then I just got so burned out from reading her books I had to switch.  I didn't like the Calhoun series, but then again, I don't like the "modern" stuff and prefer Scottish stuff set in the 1400's.  I am almost done with the 2nd book of the "Garden" trilogy and I am loving the Roz/Mitch romance!  That ghost is getting pretty obnoxious!  Can't wait to read about Haley and Harper, that is the one I am really looking forward to!  I have to buy at least 2 tubs of wipes every week for Matthew and Emma.  We have septic, so I am always worried about it with those wipes even though they say they are flushable.  TMI right?  LOL!  Have a good day at work today!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I am glad Ro is back to normal - never fun when the kids are sick and hope Z-man feels better soon.  I'm not much of a Nora Roberts fan but theres nothing better then getting a new book to read.  I bet switching Fri for Thurs was no fun - no more three day weekends, ah well at least you still get a day off during the week.  Have a great day - Leene

Anonymous said...

glad ro is feeling better and go mr z!  looks like hes not far off from being potty trained :D
i did the same thing with the backspace button a few weeks ago when i was making that entry from the ball....boy was i pissed...!
hope you enjoy those books
i'm reading a book with 2 stories in it as well...its one of debbie macombers christmas ones...the first half of it is really good ... if i can only stay awake while reading it now...LOL not that it puts me to sleep because its boring...i'm just always tired and reading does that to me
hope you have a good weekend!
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

that is great he is almost trained..what a smart boy he is.

Anonymous said...

Do y'all wrap some things under the tree and leave others unwrapped?  B told me his family used to do that, and I never understood why until he explained that what wasn't wrapped was what Santa brought.