Thursday, December 21, 2006


... its only 3 days until Christmas and a nasty GI virus has hit our house.

First it was Rowan... no poopies or no throwing up though... just stomach cramps.

Then it was Zachary... all poopies... thank god.  I don't know how he'd handle throwing up.

Now, it's Derek.

Remember how I said he wasn't feeling well last night?


He's got it.

He spent a good part of the evening and night with his head in the toilet.

I just hope it is a quick thing.

He is supposed to finish shopping (for me!) tomorrow and has work.


And what I am really hoping is that it skips right on over me...

::begging:: Please, Please, nasty GI Bug... Don't come my way!!


I'm supposed to go and get my hair done tomorrow morning... then finish up shopping that HAS to be done!!

I don't feel as if I'm getting sick... yet. 

You never know though... really.

I just hope and pray... and hope some more... that it doesn't hit me.


I'm off to finish stuff here at work... I'm hoping I can skiddadle a bit early so I can get home to my sick husband... who is now the biggest baby in the world... but boy, do I  love him :)


Anonymous said...

He can forget work..that stuff saps your stength and you are barely able to sit up over an hour at a time.
sleep is the best thing for it.  I had to stay in bed for 2 days!
I hope and pray you don't get it. And everyone else gets better.

Anonymous said...

What a rotten time of the year to get the sickies!! Sorry to hear that everyone is feeling nasty, and I pray for a swift recovery!

I hope it skips you as well!

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year if I don't comment again before then :-)


Anonymous said...

Aww I hope everyone feels better by x-mas and that you don't get the bug.  Keely woke up this morning w/ snot streaming down her face...yesterday she was just congested a bit.  I've been giving her tylenol cold for the past 2 days.  Now she's also getting more and more poopies, and each one grows softer.  Fun stuff.  I'm hoping she doesn't get the virus that's been going around here either...same thing lots of poopies or throwing up.  :(  Her cousins have had it lately, but haven't really been around her a lot.  My mom and niece had a touch of it this past week.  So far I haven't had it, and I'm praying she is just having a runny nose.  Have a good x-mas if I don't comment until after then.  :)

Anonymous said...

Well, guess I was wrong about hubby huh?  So sorry everyone is sick.  Hope you are all feeling better by Christmas!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

So sorry Jenn! I hope your kiddos and D feel better soon, and I really hope you don't get it.

sending love,

Anonymous said...

Ewwww....hope it skips you!
