Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Countdown Has Begun...

10 days and Counting until we leave for Disneyland!!


Now that it is only 10 days away, I think the time has slowed down a bit... I know when it gets down to 3-4 days it will drag :)


But at least I'm not the only one that is overly excited now...

Rowan asks every day how many more days... or I'll tell her, then we'll count on our fingers or the calendar and she gets this big ol' smile on her face and says she can't wait!

Zachary is even attempting to say Disneyland!!  Then he'll tell you, "Me, Me.  RoRo, Mommy Daddy, 'Disneyland' (or his word for it)".  When he sees a commercial on TV for it, he will point at the TV and says "Me Go"... lol.  What a Cutie he is  :)


I know the days will go quickly for one person in my family... Derek!  He is seriously working almost every day up until we leave! 

He has today off... Then works Thurs/Fri/Sat OT, Sun-Weds normal days... then has Weds/Thurs off... but works OT Fri/Sat!!  Saturday is the day before we leave and he has to work one of the two special events in his town that day... Either the street faire or the Cinco De Mayo event at the Flea Market...

I guess I'll be packing for the family once again :)


I'll keep busy too... just not as busy as he will!!


Like tomorrow, I'm going to get my hair done.  I think I'll frustrate my hair lady and tell her I want to go blonde again :)  I love the dark hair, but I've been seeing all these blonde people and I miss my hair being that color!! 

It is still a bit up in the air though... 'Cause I could always put more blonde highlights in... but I'm kinda throwing the idea around to make it all blonde!!  Hehe.


Then, I work Mon-Thurs next week.  So, that is a lot of free time taken up... haha.

Rowan and I go and get Pedicures on the Friday before we leave... I thought I'd let her do something special for such a special trip :)  She is really excited about being such a big girl... lol.


Then the Saturday before, we have her Gymfest in the morning and a birthday party in the afternoon. 


Well shoot... maybe time will go by quicker than I am thinking... lol


Alright guys, enough rambling!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

Time will probably fly!  I hope you guys have a safe trip getting there and an awesome time enjoying Disneyland w/ the family!  :)  I can only imagine how excited the kiddos are!  :)


Anonymous said...

Ya know...once a BLONDE always a BLONDE! Haha!
I think your pic over there on the sidebar is either way I think your adorable! Its just us blondes gotta stick together! We rule the world ya know...but shhhh dont tell anyone!
(I tried to be a burnette once and I swear to Gosh I was clinically. It literally changed who I was! How sad is that?!)
Anyway girl...Im keeping my fingers crossed that you get all that packing done and have a blast! Hugs!! ~Shells xoxo

Anonymous said...

i am missing the blonde myself, lol
we need pictures

Anonymous said...

Closer and closer! Hope those 10 days go quickly!