Tuesday, April 17, 2007


There are things in the universe that does work in your favor.

Let me explain.

I had been kinda stressing about how I'm going to work our budget and have spending money for Disneyland....

I had come to the conclusion that things were going to be SUPER tight until we got home from there... Not a big deal.  But it was just something that had been weighing on my mind.


So, yesterday afternoon, I go and check my mail.  I hadn't checked it all week long... 'cause I hate checking it.  Because nothing good comes in the mail, right?

Well, yesterday, all that changed!


I got a notice from my mortgage company stating that our mortgage was going down (YAY!!) and as I open up the rest of the paper work, I notice there is a check attached!!

A Check!!

Oh my god. 

I couldn't have been happier!!

The check is a very nice amount... Let me tell you...

And I couldn't be happier because now I don't have to worry about taking more money out of our pockets... I still have to take a bit, but not as much as I planned!!

Ah, sometimes, the universe does work for you...


Only 18 more days!!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Good deal, sugar!

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love it when you get money from unexpected places right when you need it most??! We had that happen too, not too long ago. My auto insurance company sent a check out of the blue. Cool beans!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's all good :)

And yes, sometimes, things go our way when we least expect them...

But you got it when you needed/wanted it, and that can be a rarity ;)

Happy days, Jenn...
