Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I'm thinking that 17 days is going to take a bit longer than I thougt it would... esepcially now after what the UPS man brought us yesterday.

Yesterday, the UPS man brought us our Disneyland Packet.  Derek called me around noon yesterday and told me that he and the kiddos had already broken into it.  Lol.  I think he might be a bit excited about our trip... Actually, I know he is, but he isn't as excited as Rowan and I :)

Speaking of Rowan and being excited...

Derek had called me at work yesterday to tell me that Rowan had colored a picture of Cinderella.  But not only had she colored it, she had cut it out... 'cause she wants to take it with her to Disneyland to give to Cinderella when she sees her!!

Isn't that the sweetest thing???


Anyways, back to our Disneyland packet...


It came with a bunch of cool things:

There was a Collectors Coin...

Three "A Year of a Million Dreams" luggage tags... last year they were decorated in their 50th anniversary design.

A $20 Gift Card that we can use anywhere in the park... for food or souvenirs.

A FUN Card - special for the Costco Travel packet.  It gives you discounts or free things for stuff in Down Town Disney.

10% Off coupon for a few of the Disney stores.

Our Character breakfast tickets...

and best of all...

Three Souvenir Park Hopper Tickets (because Zach is 2, we don't have to pay for him).

Goodness, I swear, I feel like a little kid when it comes to this trip.  I really think I'm just really excited about seeing Rowan and how excited and in awe she is going to be...


Well, I know ya'll are probably tired of hearing me chat about this... So, I best get to what I need to do... Have a good day!


Anonymous said...

Nope, I won't get tired of it. I hope you have a blast!


Anonymous said...

yay i'm excited for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Aw!! I am soooooooo jealous!!! Disneyland Rocks...and you guys are gonna have so much fun! Thanks so much for your comment over at my old place! Haha! I miss AOL Journals! Be sure and post lots and lots of pics of DL Oh and kiss Mickey for me! Hehe! ~Shells xoxo

Anonymous said...

I probably would've humped the UPS man's leg out of joy.  (Which probably explains why my UPS man only rings the doorbell and leaves our packages by the front door now....)

You will have so much fun on this trip! :D

Anonymous said...

Lmao about the UPS man in that comment... funny stuff :)

I just want the Packet!  Sounds exciting enough with all the things that come in it ;)

I'd be just as excited...
