Sunday, April 15, 2007


Okay, so I'm a pretty Proud of my Big Boy today...


This morning, while getting Zachary dressed, he refused to wear his Pull-Ups.  I know, why be proud of that?  Well, he refused because he wanted to wear his big boy "Cars" Undies.

He kept saying "Undies" over and over...

He was so insistant that I couldn't say No.  Now, I don't normally let him wear his Big Boy Undies when we go out and do errands for a long period of time... only at home or just something quick... like a car ride to my parents or something.

Well, today, we were going to my parents house and then to their neighbors for a birthday party...


Anyways, to make a long story a bit shorter than it would have been...

Zach has been wearing Big Boy Undies all day long with out an Accident!!!

I'm so proud of him...

He has told someone (be it me or my parents) when he had to go to the bathroom all day today.

He even napped in his Big Boy Undies for over an hour with out having an accident...

Then, while we went to Target, he told me he had to go Pee and Stinkies!  I was so proud of him that I bought him some new Big Boy Undies, just like his Daddy.  Boxer Briefs... they are the cutest thing!! (if little boy undies can be cute... lol)

I know, this might not be exciting to some people, but to me it is... It means that Diapers will no longer have to be bought and my Son is getting to be a Big Boy!!

Okay, so I just had to share that...

You can return to your regularly scheduled programs now... haha


Anonymous said...

Heck, you go right ahead and be excited and proud. It's a milestone in your lives, so why not brag a little, right?


Anonymous said...

That is so awesome, congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

That's awesome!  I hope Keely is that easy to potty train!  :)  I loved the pee and stinkies part.  ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh to not have to buy diapers! Think of all the money you will save!

Anonymous said...

Those little boxer briefs are the cutest thing ever.  Love them :D

Anonymous said...

Hey!  That IS a big deal!

Way to go, Mr. Zach :)

And I love those little boxer briefs.. some of my boys at daycare have them.  Way too cute....
