Saturday, August 9, 2008


We had a death today in the Pickle Jar...


Poor Miss Rowan lost her hamster to the Hamster God's.


She has had him for just over 2 years... and recently, he had been sounding pretty awful. Sneezing and some snorting, grunting type stuff.


This morning, I found him stuffed into the corner of his cage.


He didn't move when I blew on him.

Or when I knocked the cage.

Or even when I tipped the cage sideways.


Yeah. He was dead as a door nail.



When I first told her, I think she thought I was playing...

Until she saw for herself.


Then she was a bit sad... some tears and asking Why.


But once I got him out of the cage and into a box... and then into the trash can outside (LOL)... she seemed fine.


The next minute she asked... "Can I get a rabbit now?"


Haha... Guess she wasn't too upset after all!

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