Tuesday, December 25, 2007

It Came On Time...

... and now its over.


Merry Christmas to all my friends out there... I hope your Holiday is treating you well...


Our presents have been opened and the kids are running around crazy.  Derek is fast asleep... having not slept all night because of an awful head cold.

The kids will be going down for early naps today... I was woken up at 715 this morning and I think we could all use the quiet time.

Santa was good to the kids... we did not go overboard this year.  Bought things that were mostly educational... books, Doodle Pro's... leapsters and leapster games... Rowan got a Disney MP3 player (after asking for an iPod!!)... PJ's of course and color books and crayons.


I finished all but one knitting present... which is okay, because that neck warmer was a second gift for that one person.

Grandma's throw is done... but not with out some heart ache.  See, the throw is broken down into 5 panels - according to the pattern.  Well, I had done two and then spoke to the gal at the yarn shop... Well, she convinced me to finish the last three all together on a circular needle... if that doesn't make sense, I'm sorry... basically, instead of having to knit 3 separate panels, I did all three together (so I wouldn't have to sew them together later on)...

Well, I stayed up until 1am on the night before Christmas Eve... knitting the last three panels, blocking and pining...

Only to attempt to sew them together last night to find out that the two panels that I had previously knitted were longer than the panel with the three....

I don't know what happened... I made extra sure that I did the correct amount with the 3 panels... but maybe some where along the way with the other two, I screwed up.

So my plan is that I will give Grandma the 3 paneled throw... explain to her what happened and either fix the other two or just knit two more panels together... I'm sure she will be appreciative of what I've done... so it probably won't matter too much...

I am a bit disappointed though... but live and let learn, right?


I did pick up some knitting today... but promptly put it down.

I think I need a break... I just hope it isn't too long of one... I've got a lot of things I want to do... Maybe in a day or so... when my hands decide that they will work for me again ;)


Anyways, I hope everyone has a wonderful day with their family and friends...

Should be back with pictures later... I will have to steal my parents camera... unless I get a new one ::wink wink:: Hey! A girl can wish, right???


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh...it's over.  
I'm glad.  LOL  
It's been an exhausting few days.  

My kids got wayyyy too much.  In fact, we all did.  
I'll be journaling about it later, I'm sure.  :)

Still got to send you pictures too!  Uggghhh!  I'm so sorry, twinnie.  My head has been about 120 different places since Friday.  


I miss you so much!  It's weird not talking everyday.  :)

Anonymous said...

I can't ever seem to get my crocheting right, and when I figure out that something is wrong, I have put TONS of time into it that I just quit.  
Glad y'all had a good Christmas!