Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hello Blogger

Well Hello Blogger!It's so good to meet you.I would have rather met you on different terms... maybe when I choose to come to you... not when I was FORCED to come on over from AOL deleting our journals.I know I didn't journal as much as I had in the past or would have liked the last year or so there... but that didn't mean that I wanted to see it go.AOL Journals connected me to SO many of my friends... friends that are near and dear to my heart. Friends that I can't go one day with out talking to or I feel like I'm missing out on something.So, to the Uppity-Ups over at AOL... I salute you... not with a raised hand... but with a finger... and is not the thumb, pinky, ring or pointer!! I hope to keep up with as many people as possible over here on blogger - or what ever home they choose to go to. Anyways, this is obviously my first official post at The Pickle Jar on Blogger... I hope there will be more to come... and I hope I can figure out how to make it pretty and share pictures and all that jazz.Until then...

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