Friday, October 24, 2008

Oh, its Friday... and I'm full of complaints.

Oh, it's Friday.

I'm very glad it's Friday, as well.

The last few days have been complete crap.

On Wednesday, we noticed our fridge was acting all hinky. The defroster gets frozen over and that means that it doesn't defrost - sending the cold air into the fridge. Mind you, we just had it worked on at the end of September... I'm a bit frustrated.

So, D spent about two hours working on it last night. We had just bought around $100 worth of Schwan's frozen foods... so we needed it to work.

I think he has it jimmy-rigged for a bit. Although, I'm noticing that the ice cream isn't completely frozen... but that could be from the freezer not being turned all the way up.

Because I was a bit miffed and upset about the fridge, I decided to up and go to the corner store for a candy bar. HAHA.

Well, on the way back, as I turned into my court and made a U-turn to park in front of my house, my car died. Literally... I had to coast to my parking spot. Not cool.

I just had my car in the shop just last week!

Derek had some thingy-majig from work that he plugged into my car to see what the hell was going on...

It showed that the idol is off and that there is also a misfire some where along the way... SO NOT COOL.

So, Sunday night... we are taking my car in. Mind you, we have to keep the RPM's up above 2000 or the car will die. I'm making Derek drive it because I don't want to have to sit there and keep revving it! lol

Then this morning, we got some more bad news.

Derek and I - along with another couple - had made plans to go to Reno, NV to watch an Elite XC fight and stay the night.

Well, I called the hotel to make reservations, only to find out that the fight had been canceled. Nice huh? Yeah, I guess the Elite XC is filing for bankruptcy and isn't holding anymore fights.

I was very much looking forward to spending a night away with my husband... and enjoying some adult time and entertainment.

The only plus side about it being canceled is that we are saving a bit of money... ::sigh::

My kids are not feeling all that great too.

It started with Zach this morning... I got a phone call from his school saying that he was crying, saying that his belly was hurting. Zach doesn't normally cry about stuff like that... so I took it seriously and left work to go get him.

Mind you, I had only been there 2 hours... but because my parents are gone - and they (my mom) are my usual child care, I had no other option - Derek being at work as well.

I don't know what's going on. He says his belly hurts and he's got some burping going on. Now Rowan is complaining that she's got bubbles in her belly. I'm not sure how true all that is, but time will tell.

I hope neither one of them has a stomach virus... I can't really afford to be home... lol. And not to mention, she's got a game tomorrow night as well.

I swear, I feel like I can't catch a break lately with the Crap in my life... haha. But I'm sure many of you know how it is...

I need a drink... Bud Light Chelada Please!


Brandi said...

OYE! I'm sorry your Friday has gone to the shizz. Just think though, the day is almost ova.

Hmmm I think you should still book the hotel for some little one on one time with the hubby. ; )


Bridgett said...

I still think you and Derek should go away on your own. It would be good for both of you.

As for the rest of it, we've discussed it already. Sucks, big time, twinnie.

And I just hope and pray things go nowhere but UP from here.

Feel better, Row and Zach!

Love you guys.

The Mama said...

Eeek, that sucks Jenn! It will get better :)

Remo said...

Too bad about the getaway. You could look at the cancellation vs the car issue as a matter of good timing. You never know what that sucker is going to cost.
Things will get better. They always do.

Tiffany said...

Hang in there Momma! We had stupid truck issues the day Brandon left for the rig too. Cost us $276(that was discounted too b/c he knew the guy!)to fix his truck and he didn't make it to the heliport until 4am...and had to fly out at 5am. He got ZERO sleep, but I'm glad we were able to get the stupid truck fixed at least.

Linda said...

I hope the kids are feeling better! Linda