Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year's Eve...

(imaged borrowed by - Link - )
Happy New Years Eve, friends...
Sadly, I won't be doing much celebrating myself tonight though...
Unless you count relaxing on the couch - watching videos, shows and vegging off vicodin :)
Yesterday morning, I had minor surgery - I shut down the baby making factory (got my tubes tied)... so I'm in a bit o' pain.
I guess it could totally be worse... but I'm still not enjoying the pains in my shoulder from the gas they put into my diaphragm. Or the tenderness of my lower abdomen. Or the fact that my throat is sore from the tube the put in to help me breath...
Oh well, I'm sure I'll be back to normal in no time - I'm actually feeling a whole hell of a lot better than I did yesterday afternoon/evening...
I really can't believe how quickly 2008 and flown by us. It seems like just last week we were celebrating the New Year! Shoot, I still remember staying up, knitting a scarf - I believe for my Twinnie Girl - and then watching the ball drop with my hubby and kids. Of course, there was some champagne.
Like I said, tonight won't be such a party. I think if I'm feeling up to it, we'll be playing some Guitar Hero World Tour - you know, with the drums, two guitars and singing? Yeah. We'll see though. I love that game - and I kick Derek's ass most times - but we are going to play everything by ear tonight.
Luckily, we don't have to worry about a menu - we have plenty of Schwans (oh! gotta make an order today for tomorrows delivery!!) and home made Chicken Soup that my WONDERFUL hubby made. That and some warm bread from the oven... Oooh weee. We'll be set!!
So, friends... I hope you all have a safe and sane New Years Eve. If you drink, please don't drive. Find someone else to take your sloppy ass home ;)
Have Fun.
See you next year!!


- said...

I had no idea you were getting that done!
I'm thinking about it myself!
I don't want anymore kids.

I hope you have a great New Years even if it is on the couch!

Bridgett said...

I'm so proud of you. You've been so brave through this entire procedure.

We'll be staying in tonight too...and I'm perfectly okay with that. I feel a little old to be partying with the college kids. LOL

I've worn the beautiful scarf you made me a few times lately! It's cold one day, warm the next. But on the cold days, that scarf keeps me very warm. :)

Love you, twinnie.

Happy 2009!

Heather said...

That should make that a commercial...."find someone else to take your sloppy ass home"--Love it.

You'll be feeling so much better tomorrow. Believe me. :)

Terri said...

Hope you are feeling much better now...

We too, stayed at home..seems alot of people did this year..and I was bummin cause I thought we were the only ones not

Wishing you the best for 2009!!


Tiffany said...

I didn't know you got your tubes tied. Are you glad to get that out of the way now? Do they do that lapriscopically(???)now? Hope you're feeling better from that surgery by now.