Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009!

Well, 2009 is officially here!

I really can't believe that its already 2009. Life seems to be flying by lately... faster than it used to. I suppose that's because of the kids and the busy life we lead.

Unfortunately, I wasn't up to ringing in the new year last night. I literally passed out - medicine induced - around 930 last night. My kids were able to stay up and see the ball drop, but their poor mommy was fast asleep on the couch!!

Oh well.

I knew I probably wasn't going to make it.

I did wake up at mid-night to a kiss on the forehead from my sweet husband. He said he had to give me a traditional kiss at mid-night, even if I was sleeping.

I thought it was too sweet.

Then I promptly fell back to sleep until about 2am... then I managed to get my sore body off the couch and into bed. I wish I could say that I was more comfortable in my bed, but then I would be lying.

It happens that I can't sleep any other way then on my back... I can't sleep on my side due to the gas in my chest/abdomen still. Its too painful still. And I'm not used to sleeping on my back... so its a bit uncomfortable to me.

Oh look, I'm just a bucket full of complaints right now... not what my blog about 2009 finally being here was supposed to be about!!

Anyways, I'm hoping for some changes in 2009... I'm not going to make resolutions, but hope that we can change some things.

I would love to be able to make better life style changes - health wise mostly. I could use to lose a bit of weight... so making those healthier decisions could help that.

I would also like to change the way we deal with our financial situation. I want to be better savers then spenders... and to find a better way of dealing with our money. Be on top of it more. Does that make sense?

I also want to say we had more fun in 2009... be it free fun or bought fun. I want to do more fun things with the kids. Spend less days inside and more out. Do more things as a family, I suppose.

So, there is what I hope for our 2009.

I hope your 2009 is something to look forward to as well...

Happy New Year!!

Welcome 2009!!!


Bridgett said...

You must've passed out right after we chatted! LOL

I was up until well after 1...not sure what time I finally went to bed. I just know I was beating Doug at Trivial Pursuit and could hardly read the questions I was so tired.

I think your hopes for 2009 are good ones, and they actually all sort of work together. Our financial life is in shambles right now too. ::sigh::

Anyway, happy 2009, sweetie. I love you!

Ms.Emily said...

Hey Jenn!

Its emily! i'm just now trying to find everyone over here at blogger!!!

Hope you are feeling like yourself again soon! take it easy!!!

How cute of your husband to give you the traditional kiss, sleeping or not :)

Happy new year!!!


Monica said...

Happy 2009!

I hope you can make all the changes stick. I had several of the same things on my "not resolutions" list. LOL

Hope ya feel better soon!

Theresa said...

Don't fel bad, I was playing a game while Joe was fast asleep too. New Year's to us is no party time anymore, I guess with the kids and having Jonny with his disablity is hard to be anywhere.

Happy new Year's to you too!

Heather said...

Happy New Year!!!


Terri said...

I didn't make it till midnight

I did wake up at midnight to give Jeff a kiss..then fell back to sweet of your hubby to kiss you while sleeping :)

I really need to be thinking of better ways to save rather spend this year as well...

Wishing you all the best in 2009!
