Sunday, January 11, 2009


It's fitting that the first picture I found after I googled "gloomy picture" that this one came up. The title is "Gloomy Sunday"... which, in my book is exactly what today is.

Granted, its a beautiful sun-shining day here in Central California, but I on the other hand am feeling a bit gloomy.

I don't often feel gloomy and would rather try to work through gloom, but today, its sticking.

Oh well, I have not doubt that it will disappear soon and I'll be feeling better. There are just a few things that need to be worked through and figured out first... but I'm sure I'll find the answer to those.


This last week has been a whirl wind.

I went back to work after being off the previous one from my surgery. Let me tell you, by day's end, I was whopped. Whopped I say.

Not only was I tired from my surgery recovery and what not, but I also got a cold. A cold that didn't really make me feel too ill, but rather made me sound like a very raspy Rachel Ray. My husband told me I sounded like I smoked two packs a day for years - mind you, I don't smoke. Well, besides the occasional cigar with a drink every blue moon... lol

This started Tuesday morning... but Thursday, I was barely able to squeak out a few words!! Mind you, at work, most of the business stuff we do is over the phone - I am the one that primarily answers the phone too! It was, to say the least, interesting.

To top it off... at work on Friday, our phones and Internet went down. It happens a lot due to our location and the fact that we run off a T-1 line. Blah blah blah. Anyways, after contacting AT&T for them to test the line and say that there was indeed a problem, I had all the calls forwarded to my cell phone. That was something... lol. I even had my Bluetooth in my ear, making it easier to answer calls! LOL

By Friday afternoon, I was super ready to call it a day...

Thankfully I had a hair appt. that afternoon and was able to relax some. Oh! And I get to try something new tomorrow... working from home!

Yup. When I got my lap top, I was able to connect from home to my work computer... so on days when I don't have child care - or when I feel like working for home for a few hours, I can. So, tomorrow I get to do that... along with taking Stewart - one of our rats (we have two now) - to the Vet.

The damned rat was $9... I'm sure its going to cost me more than that for the office visit! ::sigh::

Oh well. We can't let our pets suffer, right?

Anywho. I hope everyone has had a good weekend...
Bring on Monday!!

1 comment:

Bridgett said...

Oooh! I didn't know you were working from home today! That's awesome. Think of all the gas you're saving. :)

Love you.