Friday, August 18, 2006


Right now, "Eh" is just how I feel.

I went to my Jenny Craig 'meeting' this morning.

You know, to do my whole weigh in and consulting thing.


I lost a pound this week.

And I feel, "eh" about it.


Really, I was hoping to drop another two or three pounds...

I know I shouldn't complain or feel "eh" about it...

But I do.


I guess maybe some where along the week I slipped up or something- like eating from Applebee's...

But my JC consultant doesn't think that was it.

She really believes that because I lost 7.4lbs in two weeks, that my body might be readjusting or something.  Who knows.


My goal for this next week (Sat-Fri) is to be more active.  Do more walking... playing outside... that kind of stuff.

Get my metabolism up and running... so I can drop a few more pounds.


My goal weight loss by next Friday is 10lbs... which means I need to drop 2.6lbs in the next week.

I know I can do it if I'm not such a slug in the evenings... Its just going to be hard for me to get moving ;)


Good thing I have kids that like to play outside and get into trouble and what not... lol.


Speaking of my kids, they are doing great.

They both have been in really "destructive" moods lately... so there has been a lot of things flying through the air... smacking each other... and what not.

Guess its a phase?

Please tell me its a phase!!


Well, I need to go and eat my lunch now... I'm having Rotini with meat balls and then my salad... always have the salad at lunch...

Hope you all have a great weekend~


Anonymous said...

I'd rather lose one than gain one, but I can relate to your disapointment.  Hang in there you are doing a great job!

Anonymous said...

lol~Duck when you see things flying thru the air!
Kids will be kids..
you will lose it, maybe you are retaining fluid.
take, care

Anonymous said...

If it's a phase then I want to know when it all ends..GRRrrrrrrrr!!!!

Good luck on the weight loss...

Anonymous said...

every lb counts :)

Ugh, the kids fighting...don't know anything about that (lol) :p  Hang in there, be glad they're not using weapons...those little plastic baseball bats, they leave a mark!

Anonymous said...

Hey, 1 pound lost is better than 1 pound gained right?!??!  You are doing a great job!  Your body just needs time to adjust that's all.  Kids go through this type of phase, you just have to really make sure that they know that it is NOT a good thing to do that's all.  Unless you want them to be wrestlers when they get older or something.  LOL!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

well that is great, 1 pound. It's better than none and it's not a gain. Every pound counts. You can do it.

Anonymous said...

Girl, I have gained 10lbs since June 25th...the scale is dead to me, dead dead dead!

Anonymous said...

a pound is great!!! keep the faith!

Anonymous said...

your entries about your jenny craig meals always make me so hungry!
i bet your body is just readjusting too
go out and play around with the kids
you live in cali and there isnt snow so
besides for all the holiday eatting at least it is still nice out and now 3 ft outside your door
i played basketball with tonys cousin yesterday and wow
i was so tired last night
hope you have a good day
<3, emily