Saturday, August 5, 2006

~Yay! Its the Weekend!~


Its the weekend.


I'm so glad it is here too.

For some reason, last week seemed to drag and I was actually mixing up my days!

So, for the weekend to be here, it makes me mighty happy :)


We've already had a good start to our weekend.

Last night, Derek, the kids and I went to a retirement dinner for two other police officers from Derek's department.

The kids were on their best behavior and everyone thought they were the cutest.  Zach-man was sporting his mowhawk and Rowan was all dolled up with a bit-o-makeup :)

The dinner was great as usual.  But I didn't partake much in it.  I just had the salad and three bites of the steak.  I had to be good... I was determined!

There were a ton of people there last night... including the firemen from the city.


I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but my kids LOVE fire trucks and firemen...

Well, lots of us love the firemen (lol) but the kids love the trucks even more.

So, after the ceremonies were over... Derek asked some of his buddies on the fire department if they'd show the trucks to the kids.

My kids were in hog heaven... and once again, I was wishing I had my camera... oh well.  Another time, I suppose.

The night ended with that and then we went home.

The poor kids were tired... and truthfully, so was I.  It was 945pm before we even walked through our door.


Today will also be another busy busy day.

My brother's college graduation party is this afternoon at my parents house.

Yes folks.  He did it.

He is a college graduate from University of California at Davis... UC Davis for short ;)

So, tonight, is a big ol bash in his honor...

And I can't wait.


The kids are going to go down early for their naps and we'll be heading over there around 330pm.

There will be great food- which I talked to my JC consultant about and we worked out a plan for my menu- and drinks...

Plenty of people to have fun with...

And of course, SWIMMING!


I promise that I'll return with pictures... I've already put my camera in my purse, so my blondeness doesn't forget it :)


Tomorrow will be a quiet day in the Pickle Jar.

Derek is off... and we have nothing planned.

So, I think we'll be spending some time in our back yard pulling weeds and then probably swimming.  Sounds good, eh?


Well, I've got a bunch of laundry to fold and another load to put up... So I guess I better get my lazy booty off this computer for a bit- although, I know I'll probably end up back on it in a while... lol.

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

WOW!! I stop in to check on you and youre life is ROCKIN RIGHT NOW!! You sound so happy!! Email me if you get a chance with more details of how lifes been treatin ya..Im not in J-land much anymore and I want to keep up with ya baby!! I'll try to email you too when I get time..IM MOVING NEXT WEEKEND!! lol



I wanna see some pics of the mowhawk!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun party to go to!  And, I am happy to hear that the kids behaved themselves.  :)  Congrats to your Brother on graduating from college!  WOO-HOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I love the fireman. LOL. By time I'm reading this the weekend is over. SO, I hope you have a great week. It's so nice that the kids behaved for the dinner.  Sounds like a good night. Good for your brother from Graduating. How exciting. I'm sure it was fun.

Anonymous said...

glad to hear you had fun at the party.
hope you had a good weekend
sorry i'm behind
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...we all love Firemen...Woot Woot!
Congrats to your brother!!!

Anonymous said...

Did you see the national; survey for the job that had the most prestige and respect attached to it? It wasn't doctor, it wasn't was fireman. :-)

Real heroes.