Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thankful Thursday....

After yesterday's events, I really can put out a meaningful Thankful Thursday...


* I'm thankful for my husband... with out him, I think I'd be a lost woman.


* I'm thankful for the quick response of the police and rescue personal.  Yes my husband wasn't injured in the accident... but they still treated him like he could have had some kind of injury.  They took the greatest care possible with him and I can only be so thankful for that...


* I'm thankful insurance... Sure, we all hate to pay for it... 'cause it is a bit expensive... but when you need it, it sure is helpful. 


* I'm thankful for workmen's comp... Derek can take time off to recoup from the accident and get paid for it.  ::they cover their officers to and from work::


* I'm thankful for our Tahoe.  Yes, it is destroyed... but if Derek had been driving my PT Cruiser - which he had been planning on - he probably wouldn't be home right now...


* I'm thankful for family and friends... the support from them means the world to us.


I probably could write more about what I'm thankful for... but really, my mind is a bit mushy today... lol.

Yesterday was a completely busy blur of a day.  I was up at 2am and never went back to sleep after we got home from the hospital... then we had to do a bunch of errands - and never finished all we had to do.

We had to go to the PD and have Derek finish paper work that had to do with the accident... then it was off to the tow yard to go and make sure everything wasout of our Tahoe (the fire guys cleaned out the car for us)...

Seeing the Tahoe in person put me in awe.  I simply turned to Derek and asked him, "How did you walk away from this?"...

Then from the tow yard, we went to our friend's house (who is one of the firemen) to grab all of our JUNK that was in the car...

From then, it was off to get Derek's prescriptions... and some lunch for my hungry babies...

My dad came over to the house then to watch the kids while they napped so I could take Derek to his workmen's comp doctor... we were there for 4 hours!!!!!!!!!

He has Derek off of work until the 8th... and will do another examination on him on the 7th... I'm sure by then, if Derek is feeling better... he'll be itching to get back to work!

So, needless to say... I'm tired today.  I crashed hard last night when I went to bed (930pm!!) and didn't want to wake up this morning ;)

Thank goodness for Starbucks... lol


Okay, I've gotta get busy at work now... got stuff piled on it from yesterday when I wasn't here!!

Have a great Thankful Thursday, friends!!


Anonymous said...

i remember being at the tow yard getting our crap out and just losing it seeing the car
well what was left of it
im glad he was driving the tahoe too
hope he is feeling better

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'd say this is a particularly thankful Thursday for you.  And for Derek too.  
Is he still pretty numb about everything?  God, I just can't imagine.  

Hope the load lightens soon, twinnie.  

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Great entry, and great things to be thankful for!

Anonymous said...

Have a great day!  I'm so sorry about what happened to Derek.  Hopefully you guys will find a great car and everything will fix itself.  :(

Anonymous said...

It's not a perfect ending, but it sure qualifies as a happy ending. I hope Derek is back to form soon, and thank God it worked out as good as to be expected.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad he was driving the tahoe too!! Now does that make you leary about driving a car around instead of a tank? LOL... I know since my wreck, I'm scared of cars... It'll only be big SUV's for me from now on.

Your Thankful Thursday is a great one!!
