Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bullet Entry... Just a Bunch of Ramblings...

Because I've just got a bunch of ramblings, I thought I would do a bullet entry and make it easier on myself... and you... lol


*Knitting is going well. Kinda.  lol.  Started a project - a scarf - but ended up losing it.  How?  Well, the knitting needle decided to fall out of the yarn after I had set it down... and well, because I didn't know how to salvage it... I started a new scarf.

*Rowan can't wait to wear her scarf... I made it a bit smaller in the width this time... and its in purple, her favorite cooler.  Hopefully will be done with it by the end of the weekend.

*I can't wait to go out and get some wooden needles and some chunky yarn (Thanks for the advice Jolene) so I can start on a blanket.  That will take a bit more time and work - since I don't know how to piece things together yet.  Will be learning that soon though!


*Sunday I started coming down with something... don't know what...but by the time I woke up on Monday morning, I felt like I had been hit by a truck.

*Neck was sore... lymph nodes were swollen... throat was hurting... headache to boot.

*Ended up staying home from work - and slept most of the day. 


*Tuesday morning I felt a bit better... but still not 100% great.

*Took Zach to his yearly cardiologist appointment.  He did amazing.  Never thought twice to being hooked up to a bunch of leads or having an Eco done on him.  I'm so proud of him.

*Doctor said Zach is looking great.  Figures he'll grow out of the little problem he has with his pulmonary artery (?) soon... it looks better then last year... and I'm sure it will look better next year when we go again.


*Had to take the doggie to the vet yesterday.  She tore herself up by scratching at some hot spots caused by an allergic reaction - she has skin allergies.

*Vet bill = $$$$  Thought I was going to die writing out the check... I guess I really can't complain, 'cause I don't have to take her to the vet often... and if I would have let it go, she probably would have gotten worse.


*Biggest Loser is amazing me!!  I can't believe how much weight these people drop... and I can't believe how big of babies the people are sometimes too!!

*They need to realize they are super lucky to be there... and they need to suck it up and shut up... lol.  Just my opinion!!  lol


*I can't wait for Fall to really be here... last week the weather was in the 70's... today, its going to be 90!!  Bullshit I tell ya!!  Its freakin' September 26th for God's Sake!!

*I want rain... cool nights and sitting on the couch with a blanket and a fire!!


Okay, I've rambled on enough... Have a great Wednesday!!


Anonymous said...

Hehe I love how you made Miss Ro a little scarf - we need pics! : D

I'm so glad Zach is getitng better and better. He is such a sweet little cutie pie.

:( I'm sad you are sick ... no making out with you any time soon. bwahaha

I LOVE biggest loser but them girls get on my nerves with all the complaining they do. THOUSANDS of others would love to be in their position. Ok is it just me or the other night did they do a rerun of the first episode??

oohoh sorry bout the doggy. : x

Ok love ya .. I'll shush now. : )


Anonymous said...

vet bills are outragous!!
Donna in TEXAS

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenn!
I always wanted to learn to knit...never could quite get the hang of it.  I can crochet though, and I've made several afghans, and when I give them to people I always get big hugs from them.  A hand made gift is so much better than a bought one sometimes.  People know that you have taken a lot of time for their gift, and it means a lot to them.  My Mom has one that I made for her that she drapes across her bed.
I hope you are feeling better by the time you get this comment!
Love you girlie!

Anonymous said...

I havent been getting your alerts. :(
Sounds like you have been busy...knitting? I have never tried it, good for you!

Anonymous said...

I think it's great you're learning to knit.  :)  Me, I'd never have the patience.  

I didn't know you were sick, twinnie!  :(  I hope you're feeling OODLES better today.  

Poor pooch.  Vet's are so expensive.  We had planned to get Autumn a puppy for Christmas, but we're rethinking it.  I don't think we can afford the vet bills yet.  So, she's getting a hamster instead.  LOL

I'm so proud of Zach.  I don't think either of my kids would do well hooked up to the cardiac machinery.  Especially Parker.  And how great that the PA is looking better!  


Anonymous said...

its fall here, lol
but i miss ca
glad zach's checkup went good
hope you are getting the knitting thing going sounds like ro's waiting on the scarf, lol
hope you feel better