Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It's Amazing...

... how children who are supposed to be sick act so healthy ;)


I swear, you know your child is sick.  Its been confirmed by doctors and you see the signs... fever, irritability, etc.


But it is amazing to me to see some of the energy they still have to put out through the fever and the pain!!


Yesterday afternoon, both kids got a bit stir crazy and ended up escaping outside to the front yard - where there daddy was washing his baby, er, I mean truck.

They rode their bikes and tricycles around the court numerous times and even had "races" with the neighbor boys...

I couldn't believe it... I was amazed to see the energy...


But let me tell you, they sure crashed hard last night... and this morning they are still home from school and a bit tired...


I just wish I had some of their energy... even if it is just the energy they put out while being sick ;)


Anonymous said...

LOL I'm always fascinated how children have so much energy while seriously feeling like crap. : x

Anonymous said...

aw well im glad they seem to be feeling better.
i wish i had any energy at this point too, ;)

Anonymous said...

LOL, my kids are at death's door at home, all pale and sick, but the second we hit the doctor's office, for said illness, they are ALL over the place.  I hiss at them as we sit there, "Could you at least LOOK sick?"  :p
Hope they are better soon!

Anonymous said...

Don't you wish we had their energy?  It always amazed me too.  
Their energy is limitless.  Sick or not.  

Me, I get a sniffle and I'm out for the count.  LOL
