Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Just Because I Can...

I wanted to let you know there is 98 days until Christmas!!




I know some of you probably want to strangle me now, but just remember I have two beautiful babies at home waiting for me...


Speaking of babies...

Zman is feeling a bit better today.  Still has a slight fever and some leakage from his ears.  Hopefully the antibiotic kicks in quick and gets him well.  He's on an antibiotic I've never heard of before... but I guess its something for peds... Sulemuth or something or other... lol.  Just as long as it works - with out any side effects - I don't care what it is!!


But poor Rowan came home from school today early.  The office called home - D is there - saying she was in the office complaining about her ear, her stomach and a slight fever (99.6)... and who said Ear Infections aren't contagious ;)


She has an appointment this afternoon at the doctors... her Daddy is taking her.  I hope it goes well ::crossing fingers::


Okay, I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!!



Anonymous said...

Aaah, man. Poor kiddos. Give them lots o' kisses from me!

Anonymous said...

the most kids get ear infections nowadays.
hope they both feel better.

Anonymous said...

glad zack is feeling better and hope ro gets something to help her out too
98 days eeek

Anonymous said...

That's not very many days, really! You've started your countdown in the 100's before, so you're getting better.

Anonymous said...

Girl, you just can't catch a break!  Poor kiddos.  :(

Keep us updated.


p.s.  I've got a little Christmas shopping done....not as much as I'd like though.  :(