Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I feel like a slacker... Really I do.

Yet, I have a really good reason why I haven't been around and posted all those pictures that I've been meaning to share with you guys.


God, every time I come here its to tell you why I'm not doing a really entry.  How sucky is that??


I'm still sick.

I can't seem to kick this cold.


And my poor little boy can't catch a break at all either...

I had to take him back to the doctors last night... Poor thing.  He is still running a fever and we found out that his double ear infection (that we found out he had on Friday afternoon) hadn't been effected with the Zithromax he'd been on.

So, the PA gave him a new prescription for some other strain of antibiotic.  I hope that will kick his ear infections butt!!

Also, we found out that he has a viral infection in his throat and on his upper gums where he is getting teeth.  His poor gums look so horrible... A purple red color... swollen... and bleeding a bit at the teeth breaking through.  Horrible I tell you!!

There is nothing to give him for the viral infection either.  The PA told me to take some maylox (sp?) and benedryl and mix equal parts together and then put it on his gums with a Q-tip.  He doesn't like me putting it on there... But it seems to soothe him, the poor baby.


I've got so much on my plate right now... not even funny.

A house to clean... because its been neglected the last few days due to sickies in the house...

Sickies to take care of :(

And other junk!


So, I'll share those photos when I can.  Just keep Mr. Z in your thoughts... Hope he gets better soon, okay??




Anonymous said...

I am so sorry hon, that sounds like a painful thing, poor little Zack, I bet he needs tubes in his ears.. my son had to have them.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that we have the most to do when we are sick?  Hope you feel better soon!  Especially your son ... ear infections are the WORST!

Lori  ;o)


Who I am… underneath it all:
My Spiritual Journal:

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy and poor sick Pickle family.

I've got a sinus infection, bronchitis, and double ear infection. I'm a grownup (kind of, lol) and it's kicking my butt. I don't want to imagine it for little ones.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll still be here when you are all better in that house.  Take care of you and everyone else, journals can wait and a house can wait to be cleaned!  Give the little ones kisses from me!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, Jenn.

You guys...I feel so bad for you.  It's miserable enough being sick yourself...but having to take care of a sick baby at the same time really is the kicker.  Poor little Zach.  He's just having a rough time of it.  

Hang in there, Jenn.  Take things one day at a time and get as much rest as you can.  



Anonymous said...

Hi Jen, so sorry my alerts having been working right so I keep trying to sneak over and see you whenever I get tired of depending on AOL.  And especially sorry to hear ya'll have been sick.  I hear ya on so much on your plate.  Me too.  Hang in there and hope you feel better soon.  Good for you for getting Zach to the doctor.  I always tend to try to let colds run their course but fevers and the like always make me want to go to the doctor as soon as possible.  Keep us posted on progress of the antibiotics.  Hope they work really well this time.  So hard on us working mommies.  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Sorry you're all down, Jenn...

Poor Zach!  Hope it goes away quickly :)

Hey, don't even worry about explaining anything, we all get how it can be somtimes.  Besides, we'll be here when things are better....

Get well soon :)


Anonymous said...

Get well soon.  Hugs, Liz

Anonymous said...

OH WOW>.you DO have a lot on your plate...Times can be tough for us all..but when WE..the LEADERS of the hosue are sick..MAN it gets rough...(((HUGS)))

Im definitely praying for you and your little one..poor guy...I pray he heals up soon...and mommy needs a break from it Im sure..:)

Take care and I hope you guys are doing well...:)


Anonymous said...

You poor things! And baby teething is the worst! I was just looking at your Christmas photo's [I'm behind] and looks like Santa was good to you guys! Love, love, love your Doony & Burke bag! ~Diane~

Anonymous said...

I hope Zach gets better soon!!! I'll keep praying for all of you!


Anonymous said...

I hope Zach gets better soon!!! I'll keep praying for all of you!


Anonymous said...

I hope that you get rid of the sickies soon!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you kick all those germs really soon!!  
