Thursday, January 19, 2006


  Hello and Happy Thursday to you all!  

I hope your week is treating you well.  I know mine is, because today is my Friday.  Yippee Skippy!!  

I'm excited too because tomorrow is going to be a very fun day!  Tomorrow after I pick up Missy Moo from school I'm going to take her to the mall to get her birthday celebration under way!  She is so excited about it too.  She keeps telling everyone that she is going to the mall to get a Tinker Bell cake... lol.  No cake from the mall, but she will be getting one!!  

I'm excited too because it is fun to see her have such fun!  Especially when she goes to Build-A-Bear.  She gets so serious.  She doesn't want to be inturrupted or messed up while she is "washing" the bear or getting it dressed.  Too Cute.  I am planning on bringing my camera with me when we go to the mall... So don't worry.  I will be flooding the journal with pictures from this weekend probably mid next week :)  

I went to Target last night for stuff and then stopped in their teeny-tiny party aisle to see if they had anything I'd be interested in picking up for her party.  Nothing at all.  Except for the balloons that Ro grabbed and shoved into the cart!  I guess I'll have to go to one of the big party stores tomorrow to get all the Tinker Bell stuff I need.  Plus, I have to order her cake still too!  

Oh yeah... Tomorrow I'm also getting my hair done again.  I'm so fed up with how it looks and the color.  She (my hair lady) is giong to kill me... But I think I'm going to want to go all blonde this time around.  I miss the blonde hair and I know for a fact that is what my honey likes... So, if there is by chance a picture of me snuck in there with the rest of Ro's bday pictures, you'll see it :)  

I've been doing really well on my WW point diet... Or so I hope.  Last night we had spaghetti and I had whole wheat pasta instead of the normal pasta.  I'd have to say, it was pretty tasty.  It was 3pts for 1cup while the normal pasta is 4pts for 1cup... Hey, when you only get so many points per day, 1 point is something you want to save!!  It was yummy though, with a whole lot of sauce and 1/4c of ground hamburger... The plus side of that dinner was being able to have garlic bread.  Yum!!  I don't know how it worked out... but it was 4 points for 1/5 of the loaf of garlic bread.  So Derek cut the loaf into equal 5 parts and I was able to use some of my extra bonus points to have some!!  It was awesome!!   I just hope I'll be able to be good on Sunday when we have Ro's bday.  There is going to be so much good food and her birthday cake (I'm thinking half chocolate and half strawberry!!)... I just need to keep my portions small and my head out of the clouds to remember why I am dieting!!  

 Well, I need to go help clean the house for the party and make dinner.  Baked chicken with veggies and potatoes.  Yum... 7points!!  

Hope you all have a great evening and if I don't see you before the weekend, have a good one too.



Anonymous said...

I like that points system. It makes dieting seem like a modification in behavior, rather than complete denial of all that is pleasurable! Good luck for your continued success.

Have fun with the kids, too. They really make a difference...


Anonymous said...

I have to tell you...all this counting points seems so complicated.  I mean, how do you measure out one cup of spaghetti noodles?  Confusing!  LOL  

Hope Rowan has a great birthday weekend.  I'm so looking forward to seeing the pictures.  Bet your hair will turn out great.  It's kind of're wanting to be blonde...and I'm wanting to be brunette.  <grin>


Anonymous said...

I never understood the points when it came to pasta so I avoided it.  Is it 1 cup of pasta dry or 1 cup of pasta cooked?  See what I mean?!  LOL!  I am sure you will find everything you need for the TinkerBell party at the local party store, they have tons of stuff there!!  You are just like me with your hair by the way, I just told Todd yesterday that I am going back to brown.  I just went back to brown and then missed my red, so went back to red, and now I want brown again.  LOL!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I'm a lurker in your journal, but I wanted to let you know that reading about your WW diet has gotten me thinking that I should do it again. I had been thinking about it, but just hadn't gotten around to it. But your enthusiam for the point system has motivated me.  So thanks!

Hope Rowan has a great paryt!


Anonymous said...

I can just see her when she is building her little! Kids are so much fun, these are the good times, I wish we could keep them little longer. Glad to hear that both kids are well.
Enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

I bet she does get serious with the bear building, so do I!! lol
I hope that you have a great weekend and that Rowan has an
awesome bday!