Tuesday, January 31, 2006

~About Time Huh?~


Wow, I can't believe that it has been over a week since I last updated.  What kind of journaler am I?  A bad one I suppose!!  Just this morning, Barbie was asking me when I'd be posting again!  Goondess.  I used to post once a day... if not twice.  And look at me now.  I'm posting maybe once a week.  Ugh!  Bad Jennifer, bad. 

  I suppose one of the reasons that I haven't been updating more is that I'm having a hard time finding the time.  Sounds sad I know, but it is the truth.  

Zachary has me on my toes these days.  Just this last weekend, he got to big owies.  One was that he busted open his lip while playing in his sisters room.  The story from Rowan- I know, bad Mom for letting him play in there with just her- was that he was trying to climb the steps that she has to get into her bed and he fell, smacking his lip and biting down (thank goodness he doesn't have teeth on the sides yet) on the inside of his cheek.  Yeah, the scream alone made my heart jump up into my throat.  I don't think I've ever gotten down that hallway quicker! I have to admit, I freaked.  I hate that too.  I wanted to take him to the ER and have him get stiches!!  Ugh, I told you I was freaking.  Derek was able to calm him down and finally talked me into being calm too... lol.  Not 10 minutes after he hurt himself, he was back to being his normal self.  He even wanted to go back to his Sissy's room.  

That was Friday night.  On Sunday Rowan had picked up her brother up (literally) to bring him into the front room.  Well, I had asked her to put him down but she kept on trucking with him in her arms and tripped over a toy.  Yep, you can imagine that they fell like a tree that just had been chopped down.  Zach basically broke his sisters fall and he went down face first!   I think he was more scared then hurt... But there is a bit of a purple bruise.  He was doing okay in about 5 minutes.  Its funny how quickly little ones can bounce back!!  

Zachary is also doing this new thing where he'll put his hand up to his ear- like he is talking on the phone- and mumbles.  It is so adorable!!  He'll also put anything that resembles a phone- TV remote, pager- or a phone up to his ear and "chats" pretty loudly.  I'm working on him with blowing kisses too.  He gets the whole put-your-hand-on-your-mouth-thing... but now the "blowing" part!!  He'll get it... I'm sure... Probably before his little booty starts walking!!  

Yes, that is right... he is still not walking.  Ha!  He is still determined to cruise and crawl.  He'll walk if he has your fingers, but once you let go, he'll slowly drop to his booty.  Truthfully, I'm really surprised he isn't walking.  Rowan walked at exactly 10months old... and Zach has been cruising since he was almost 8 months old.  I guess he'll do it when he wants!!

Miss Rowan on the other hand is a little hellion.  She is at the age (well, I suppose it happens at any age!) that she is wanting to test me and talk back.  I swear, sometimes I forget that she is only 4 years old with the way that she talks to me.  I have the hardest time trying to figure out why she acts one way with me and then another way with her father.  My Mom says that is the same way I acted with my father.  Who knows, maybe most children defy their mother and act better for their father!!  

She is doing really well with her gymnastics and dance though.  I'm truly amazed with how quickly she picks up the dance moves.  They are already working on their Spring performance, which wehave to pay $45 for their costume... But anywho, its adorable and I can't wait to see it!!  

She does have her good points though... lol.  

Just the other day, as I was getting her out of the Tahoe, she noticed the manual lock.  She wanted to try to do it herself, so I let her.  After she was done, she turns to me and goes, "Thats Amazing! Mama." I could have died right then and there.  Just the look on her face was priceless.   

Such an angel sometimes!!  

Hmm, what else, what else.  

This weekend I'm going out!!  Woo Hoo!  My friend Amy and I will be going out to dinner and then going to see "Underworld: Evolution".  I was so excited to hear that there was a second part coming out because I loved the first movie so much!!  Derek is being an awesome hubby and watching the kiddos that night.  He has told me to go out and have a blast.  Not to worry about him and the kids at home.  He even told me to drink it up and flirt with boys... lmao.  He is one funny husband, I tell ya!  

Speaking of my husband.  

I'm really enjoying this new schedule of his.  Having him home for 4 days (most of the time unless he works OT) is pretty neat.  The kids also love having him there... Zachary has grown attached to his daddy!!  Its so cute to see his face light up when Derek comes in!!   He will be working some OT on Friday though, which is okay with me.  He gets out... He gets out of my hair... and he makes some extra cash!!  Hehe... I'm so horrible huh?  

Well, I've rambled on enough now... I will leave you with this picture of my babies napping together.  I thought this was so sweet... Enjoy!
  Hugs, ~Jenn~


Anonymous said...

Are you a stay at home mommy?  I've heard that SAHM's are usually treated diff by their kids than the father is.....I suppose it'd be b/c you're always there and daddy isn't.  Just a thought.  

Anonymous said...

Adorable pictures!!  I love the one of them napping together ~priceless.  Your sweet daughter sounds like she is learning to be a strong-willed independant girl.  :)  That's a good thing...I promise...but it can be tough guiding them.  :)  
Have a great time going out with your girlfriend...what a good husband you have!  

Anonymous said...

kadie makes me want to scream and pull my hair out...she is 14 and daddy says jump and she says ok daddy....i say you look tired kadie and she say yeah and?  whatever mom....it comes with the territory....to this day?  I will NOT talk back to my daddy but I have no qualms about telling my mom exactly how is....of course she "crosses the line" alot also...and dad doesnt do that...mom pushes my buttons to see how far she can go...lol...hmmm JUST LIKE KADIE! Wish I could tell you it will get better...lmao....tho there are days when Kadie is an absolute doll...nd like said in my entry tonight...There are days when the only thing protecting her butt is the thought of Child Protective Services coming to my house...lmao....cause my parents would have beat me...lol....plain and simple....


Anonymous said...

So good hearing from you!  Those kiddos
of yours are just precious!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, that last picture is the sweetest!!!  You are forgiven for not posting as often as long as you include pics like these!  Fun having two children isn't it?!  Never a dull moment that's for sure!  And, 4 years old is the age that you swear you have a teenager on your hands in a little body.  They do test you to your fullest, especially the talking back, but it's normal, they are just trying to find themselves and see how far they can push you.  Don't let Rowan get too far though, it will lead to hell later on, trust me!  Thought Emma was cute doing the same thing and now I pay the price every single blessed day.  LOL!  Sorry about Zachary's owies.  I am sure it won't be the last of them.  Nothing like hearing that scream come from a different room.  You swear your feet never moved quicker!! Thankfully he is okay and it is amazing how quickly they bounce back isn't it?  I am sure Rowan was just trying to help you out by carrying her lil' bro everywhere.  But, when  he almost outweighs her, accidents will happen.  ;)  Dance recitals.  Uggghhh.  So glad they are OVER!!  All that money, all that time, all that anticipationg, I don't miss it one bit.  Just wait until Brownies/Girl Scouts starts.  Don't say I didn't warn you!  Hee-hee!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

The kids are gorgeous! My son (when he was a baby) called all three of his older sisters "Sissy" funny thing is they always knew exactly which "sissy" he was referring too! Sibling connections are awesome!

Anonymous said...

I think since most moms are the mail person the kids see more on a dailybasis...they do back talk and everything..but daddys they see less so they don't do that with...they know they can get away with 100% more with mommy than with daddy..for example..moms say no they go on and on and usually moms will cave and let them have it....cause we are tired and over worked..dads say NO and usually the first time they quit.  Cause dads don't put up with it! Just my observance with 4 kids...........and 17 years or marriage.......My kids know exactly how to play me....especially when I am on the phone..thats the best time to ask for stuff!!!!!! Oh the joys of motherhood....thats stuff not in all the manuals/books LOL
Have a good night out....your kids are precious!

Anonymous said...

That is the most adorable little man face I have seen in a very long time!  If you are busy with that cutie, then you are forgiven entirely for not posting for a week!
The picture of him napping with his sister is priceless.  You have some adorable kids!


Anonymous said...

awwe he is the cutest thing ever! I love his smile, he is one happy baby I can see..boys are rough and tumble let me tell you...they leap and jump and climb and fall and get hurt and then are ready to try again..very different from most little girls.
I think it is wonderful your husband is home more, these are years you can never get back when the kids grow up.  For some reason a man can do more with the kids by just the sound of the voice..
My husband is the same way with our kids even though he is the softie and I am the stricter one..who knows why?
I love the pics, can't wait to see little miss Rowan in her costume.
Thanks for sharing.:)

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww, Baby, It's The Wave!!!! -all my babes sported the wave till their hair grew too long. I miss it and Zach wears it soooo well! *wink*

Thanks for the update, Chica! Today is gunna be a Grrrreat Day!

Love you,

Barbie @>--------

Anonymous said...

YOu kids are so beautiful, I cant wait to have my own but I tell ya Im in for it because my husband was a hellion when he was little. At 8 months old he was running around chasing his sisters (hes the youngest) and climbing on chandalers LOL! He was horable to his mom and when his dad came home he was soooo different (as I have been told). He would do something and look at his mom while doing just as shes telling him not to... I guess thats what she gets for praying her little heart out for a boy LMAO! I have already named my first child, everyone just knows its gonna be a boy! My MIL already calls him by his name and hes not even concieved yet LOL! She says well I just cant wait till little Ethan Lane gets here LOL! I love her she so hilarious! ~Jess

Anonymous said...

Well, I'll tell ya... Grace was hard to tolerate some days at 3 and right after she turned 4, but now~man, she's a totally different little girl....

Its true though that kids act differently around moms than dads.  Almost like they know which buttons of moms to push!  But parents of the same sex as the child (mothers & daughters, fathers & sons) usually get the brunt of the bad behavior....

Dang, I knew there was a reason I wanted a boy ;)

Kidding :)

Great shots, especially the last one~AWWWWWW!


Anonymous said...

that last pic is just too too precious!
Bad blogger you are!
BUT you are busy. I bet Zach-man is making you jump through hoops because of that silly girly curly-q action you got going on top of his head! J/K
How did that hair of his grow so fast?
Don't stress the bumps and bruises....those kids do that and thank goodness they are shatter proof.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...that picture is absolutely priceless.  Their little arms wrapped around each other.  I love it!  

Zach will be walking soon....no worries.  As I'm sure you know, once they start walking, life is not at all simple.  Autumn is pretty trying these days.  She gets spanked quite a bit.  LOL  I have to admit though...I love them at this age.  Everyday brings something new to the table.  Most recently, Autumn has been calling herself a 'good girl.'  Or, as she pronounces it, 'good gool.'  <grin>

Treasure these times!


Anonymous said...

I want to hear how the movie was; I liked the first one a lot, but I don't want to waste a date on a bad movie, lol!

Ryan, when he was a baby, had a perpetual bruise on either temple from all the falls he took.  I swear, he was either falling or running into something until he was around 2. :p

Audrey (almost 4) is giving me a little attitude lately too.  I think it's just a function of her mimicking and not realizing that sarcasm is not the same as talking back.  I have to count to ten a lot these days, though, it seems. :D

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh the pictures are so sweet!  I love the one of them napping together.  Zach is getting sooo big and sounds like he's close to walking.

I hope you enjoy your time out.  That's so nice that you get a break away from everything, even if for a few hours.


Anonymous said...

I love these pictures. That curl of Zach's is too cute!
Sounds like things are going well for you and I am glad that you
are getting to spend more time with your hubby.
I hope that you enjoyed the movie and getting out with your friend.

Anonymous said...

Hey there...catching up!

The kids put us in a frenzy sometimes, for sure. I know the sound of The Scream. I think that's part of the reason we get gray hairs! But, as you said, most of the time they bounce back and have long forgotten it by the time we even begin to get over it.

The kids are adorable, Pickle-Jenn! Thanks again, as always. This is the last read of the night, and it helps to have the smile!
