Monday, June 18, 2007

Me Time...

I've finally found some "Me Time" lately...

Wanna know how???


By making my children sleep in their own rooms!! haha...


Yes, that is right, their own rooms.

See, we've co-slept with our kids since Rowan was born.  There was a time when Zachary did sleep in his crib (after he came home from the hospital stay), but because he got an awful cold around the age of 7 months old... and the only way I could get him to sleep was put him in bed with his sister and I... it kinda stuck.

Rowan slept in her room on and off... On when Daddy was home... and Off when he was at work... So, the routine at night was for us all to go to bed together...


But since Rowan turned 5- and has grown so much- Daddy and I decided it was no longer time for her to sleep with us.

And because Zachary wanted to go to school (preschool) and have a back pack, we told him he had to sleep in his Big Boy Bed.

His transition to his bed was so easy... he loves being a big boy and loves knowing that he'll get his back pack now that he sleeps in his room - lets just hope that it doesn't back fire on us that when he does get his back pack, he'll give up on sleeping in his room!!


So, with both of my kids going to bed around 830pm every night... I find that I can actually have "Me Time"... and in cases when Derek is off we can have "We Time"... lol.

I usually will watch tv or read a book (Reading the Irish Trilogy "The Gallagers" by Nora Roberts right now...) or, like I'm doing right now, play on the computer.

I do find some time to keep up with the house work... although, looking around right now, I think I should get off of here and fold some laundry... lol...


But it is nice to just be by myself... not to have "Mommy" called a million-billion-trillion times... or to have to fight over what TV channel we are going to watch- Disney or Mommy's Shows...


Yeah, it is nice to just have some time for Me... even if it is there for me to go fold the laundry...



Anonymous said...

Not to put you down for the co-sleeping, but i'm very glad we never did that!  I've tried to let Keely sleep with me when she hasn't felt good, and she'll just get wired and want to bounce on our bed and play.  She knows that her crib is where she goes to sleep.  Sadly I have a hard time getting her to fall asleep when we're out somewhere, unless she's dead tired.  She usually will get cranky b/c she knows it's naptime or bedtime ,but she doesn't have a bed to sleep in.  KWIM?  Like shopping or whatnot.  I just don't believe in co-sleeping, but some people do and that's cool too.  I hope the kiddos stay out of y'alls bed and you get to continue having your "me time" and "we time"  ;)


Anonymous said...

Ahh..bedtime. That's my favorite time of day.

As they get older and spend more time in their rooms, you are going to find lots more time..wait until you teach them to put their own laundry away!!

Good times.


Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhhh, there is nothing sweeter than having a bed to your self after all those years. LOL... I always found it enjoyable to have our babies in the bed with us. I breast fed, and it was so much easier to feed them in the middle of the night. I swear, I think I might have even done it in my sleep a time or two. LOL


Anonymous said...

We did the cosleeping with all of them.  When my hubby worked nights, I just liked knowing where the kids were.  When he'd come home in the wee hours, sometimes I'd catch him moving them over and cuddling them right as he climbed into bed too.  It was really sweet, and one of my favorite memories of him.  Once Nolan was in K, then he and Ben moved to their room, and we had Ryan still with us.  Ryan went to his room really easily once he was in school too, but for a while it was him and Audrey too.  Mom's revolving door bed, lol.

We are still having Audrey come in halfway through the night, and it is hard as she sleeps ALL over the place, but I know she's gonna stop soon, once school starts, she'll be to wiped out to for now it's okay.

But "Me Time" ---that can't be beat!  :D

Anonymous said...

Way to go!  For a while there I thought I was going to have to not associate with you because you were starting to act like a ceratin someone haha J/K.

I understand how bad habits can be formed and be so hard to break!  I swore up and down I would never let my kid have a binky past 18 months but Julie had hers until she was three.  She only had it at bed time but still it was more my problem than hers!

Me time, ain't nothing like it!

Anonymous said...

Nothing beats 'me time.'  We put our kids to bed at 8 PM for the summer months.  In the winter, usually between 7 and 7:30.  

All the time after that is time allotted just for us.  It's a wonderful thing.  

And congratulations on getting the kids into their own beds!  I'm fortunate I never had to deal with that.  I put both of my kids in their own beds when they were around 8 weeks old and never looked back.  

I still can't get Autumn off her bottles though.  *sigh*  She's a hopeless 'ba ba' addict.  And she's singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" right now.  LMAO  I'm trying not to laugh, but she's pronouncing Twinkle as Tinkle and Star as Tard.  


Think, "Tinkle Tinkle Little Tard."  ROFL

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

i reset the alerts again remind your readers to
ok and yep i agree with the me time turning into a laundry folding fest
<3, em

Anonymous said...

About time, huh?!  LOL

I love my me time!  Grace is in bed by 8:00, and its all me after that...

Glad you got some now :)


Anonymous said...

About time, huh?!  LOL

I love my me time!  Grace is in bed by 8:00, and its all me after that...

Glad you got some now :)
