Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Smell of Chlorine!

Gosh, I love the smell of chlorine... is that weird or what?

I guess it has a lot to do with the fact that I did swimming and played water polo in high school and a bit at the local JC... and I miss them...

So, smelling chlorine on my skin takes me back...


This afternoon, the kids and I swam for a while over at my parents.  I can't believe how much both are excelling in it...

Rowan can now swim from the shallow end to the deep end with out having anyone next to her...

And Zachary... goodness... that boy gives me gray hairs!

He loves to swim... and does this thing that has us calling him "Turtle" when he swims.

See, he'll jump in (he wears a swimming vest) and will swim around like a turtle with its shell up out of the water... face down... butt and vest up...

It is probably something hard to imagine... but it is hilarious when you see it... ::note to self, take picture::


After a while, it was just Rowan and I in the pool... So we started doing some laps (or I did) with the kick board... kinda 'racing' each other... but Rowan was a bit of a cheater... lol.


It felt good to get in there and do some excersising... I was actually thinking about getting back into our pool after the kids go to bed and doing more laps... but then, yet again, I'm a bit tired... so, we'll see :)


::why can't kids learn to close the fridge after getting into there??::



I wish it was Thursday already...

'Cause that would mean that I'm off tomorrow... but alas, tomorrow is Wednesday... which means I'm working ::sigh::

But that is okay... because working = money!!  And money = good...  haha

Just hope the wasps aren't there tomorrow!!!  eeeekkk...


Well, my kid is complaining of being thirsty... best go and get him some water before he tries to do it himself!!

Tags: ,


Anonymous said...

I love the smell of Banana Boat sunscreen LOL...that and the smell of your skin when you've been out in the sun all day tanning LOL

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh...I wish we had a pool.  
I used to swim all the time...and what a great way to excercise!  I always feel so good when I get out of the water.  

Love ya!
Your twinnie

Anonymous said...

olivia loves the water too i cannot wait until she is old enough to learn to swim :)
hope you guys are well

Anonymous said...

You aren't the only one that loves the smell of chlorine!! I do too!!

Take some pics! My batteries have been dead for like a month now... I can never remember to get new ones. My camera will only work with the batteries that are especially for digital cams. Ordinary batteries won't even turn it on!! Even if they are brand new! I need a new camera I think... But to make a long story short.. I've missed out on alot of good photos this month! I must go to Walmart right now and get some batteries while I'm thinking about it!

Have fun !!


Anonymous said...

I love that smell, too.  Though I don't get to smell it very often these days :(

Sounds really cute how Zach swims.. lol

Grace has one of those float suits, so she lloks like that when she puts her head under water :)
