Monday, June 25, 2007

Oh My....

Why is it, when you go to where your kids are to pick them up... say the babysitters or their grandparents house... they are on a pretty good behavior...

But once they walk through the door to their house, they become complete maniacs??


Yeah, I'm having to deal with a completely crazed two year old right now...

I've had to tap his booty... put him on time out... send him to his room...

And he is still acting like a nut!!

As I type this (and make breakfast for dinner)... he is scaling the couch!!! (when I came back to proof read this... he was on top of the cat house!! omg!)


Earlier, he was "cleaning"... which meant taking a wash cloth, wetting it... then proceeding to "ring it out" over my floor!!


Seriously, I think kids only act crazy for their mothers... 'cause if Derek walked into the house right now, they'd be on perfect behavior!!

Mommy Syndrome is a true thing!!


Okay, off to finish my pancakes... Yummo!

Have a great evening!!


Anonymous said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean.  
When we're at my parents house, my kids are little angels.  Soon as we come home after a weekend away, they're MONSTERS.  Crying and whining and kicking and messing. It's awful.  

I feel for ya, twinnie.  

Enjoy those pancakes!  LOL


Anonymous said...

sounds typical.  He sounds like quite a lively little boy.
Mine were  the same way

Anonymous said...

I agree w/ kids acting worse for their mother's.  Same goes for my  Mia is always on good behavior when Brandon is home, but for me she's a terror.

Anonymous said...

My kids used to do that!  They still do from time to time.  I read somewhere it's because they are so good for so long, then they get overwhelmed when you walk in the door; they know it's "safe" for them to act up, like they store it or something...and have to let off the steam.

Hopefully, he settled down...because I would hate to think you were peeling pancakes off the ceiling! :)

Anonymous said...

It is true, that they behave better when Daddy is around, but trust me, that stops around the age of 5-6.  At that point, they rally don't care if Daddy is home or if you are gonna go get him.  I'm famous for saying, "That's it, where's your father?"  

The reason they act up when they come home is because they were so good all day it's time to let it all out!  It's actually a good thing.  It means that whoever is watching them isn't pulling their hair out over it!

Anonymous said...

This is a good thing, no seriously. Children who behave at others but misbehave at after study has been done on this (even thought that seems crazy in itself) but it shows that the children are comfortable at home, they feel safe and secure and loved. They know that even if they act up you will still love them! So see, it's a good thing! If they only misbehaved in public but were angels at home...then you'd have to really worry! LOL Scary thought, but hey who said children make sense!!

Anonymous said...

I was going to say the exact same thing as the person below me. Seriously! !

SO, put me down for a ditto.


Anonymous said...

this is so true
lord help the mommys

Anonymous said...

LOL, I think it's actually called "Mommy Deafness!"
I guess they have to misbehave sometime, might as well be with the best!

Anonymous said...


It is Mommy Syndrome!

All 20 of my daycare kids are great for me.  When I ask them to stop, they do.  But as soon as a parent walks in~WOW.  Its like unleashing the hounds....

Same goes for my girl, though.  She's good at school, but I come home and its a totally different girl.

Its the curse.. lol
