Thursday, December 29, 2005

~Finally A Christmas Update with PICTURES!!!~

I am here to do my Christmas Update.

I wanted to get it in before the New Year.  I want to borrow an idea from Bridgett (sorry her journal is Private) and start a new tradition of doing a “Year in Review” thing.

Our Christmas was wonderful.

I think I’ve mentioned that before, haven’t I?

We start our Christmas out on Christmas Eve at the in-laws.  We all- all 13 of us- have dinner and open presents at Derek’s oldest brothers house.

After dinner and clean up we opened presents.  Normally, this would take us a good hour to do with all the people.  Yet, this year we did something different.  All the adults drew names of another adult and they bought that person a present.  So, instead of one couple (husband and wife) buying for 6 other adults, they were only buying 2 presents.  Let me tell you, it saved us some cash!!  Plus, because we only had to purchase 2 presents for the adults, we were able to buy them better presents.

Each couple did buy presents for all the kids though.  I swear, my kids got so much it wasn’t even funny.  My in-laws got the kids the cutest Radio Flyer wagon.  It’s the plastic kind with the two seats and buckles for each kid.  It is awesome!  Of course, it was filled with presents for my munchkins.

Both kids got around 3-4 outfits each and of course some really cute toys.  Can you say spoiled??

From our “Secret Santa” Derek and I both got really awesome gifts.  Derek got this Corona bucket filled with Corona’s and peanuts and stuff like that, plus a gift card to Best Buy.  I swear, that is his all-time favorite store!!  From my Secret Santa, I got a SAK purse and then a gift card to Macy’s!  My Secret Santa treated me really great… See, I told you I was spoiled for Christmas… And I haven’t even mentioned what I got from Derek or my parents!

We didn’t get home from their house until around 1030 that night.  Both kiddos were whopped and so were Derek and I.  But of course, we had to stay up a little later than the kiddies so we could take care of some things.

Miss Rowan left Santa some milk and Oreo cookies.  I swear, she was so excited that it took her a good hour to fall asleep!

Thankfully, once she did fall asleep she was out until 815am!!  Can you believe it?  Good thing too, because Derek and I weren’t able to get to bed until after mid-night.  Eek.

Almost at 815am on the dot, Rowan popped her head up from the couch in my room- she was able to sleep there that night- and says, “Mom!  Do you think Santa came yet?”

I just about cracked up when she did that… I had been awake for just a few minutes and told her that I didn’t know and that she should go check.

She jumped out of bed and ran into the front room.  I could hear her “oohing” and “awwing” and talking to Derek (who had been up for a while).  She came running back into the room and was telling me to hurry up and come out there to see what Santa had brought her and her brother.

Mind you, she had sat on Santa’s lap and asked him for a dollhouse and a truck for Zach.

But Santa brought her a Disney Princess Beauty Salon and brought Zachary a Fisher-Price “gym” thing.  She didn’t seem to notice and didn’t say anything either!!  I’m sure once she is older though and understands the concept better, Santa will have to bring her something she asked for.

This year, the kids were spoiled.

Last year, Rowan had maybe three presents under the tree.  She didn’t understand Christmas and because she was getting so much from the rest of the family, Derek and I didn’t find it necessary to buy her lots of presents.

This year we did though.  She got an inflatable bed with the Disney Princesses on it… Disney Princess dress up clothes… a scarf, hat and gloves with the Disney Princess stuff and her name on it… Do you see a theme here with the Disney Princess stuff?

She also got a really cute pair of Vans from Me.  I picked them out myself and Derek had no idea I had got them- because I didn’t want to tell him I shopped at the Van’s store because that would have given away three of his gifts!!  Anywho, the shoes are black with a pink stripe.  Oh so cute.  Yet, she isn’t too hot on them.  Oh well.  She’ll wear them and eventually like them!!

Rowan also got some “make-up” stuff in her stocking and another case full of make-up.  She is such a girlie girl.  So unlike her Mommy at that age.

Zach only got a few gifts from us this year.  He was more interested in the paper and his sister’s gifts to realize he had his own presents.

Santa brought him a 32” teddy bear that is just too darn adorable and then that Fisher-Price gym.  We got him some blue vans and a blue Disney blanket with Nemo on it with Zachary underneath.  It is adorable!  I’m thinking I’m going to eventually do his room in a “Nemo” theme… So that will go perfect.

Around the second present he opened, Zach kinda got the idea of the whole ripping the paper of thing.  I was lucky enough to get a picture of it… Which you’ll see with the rest of the pics too.

Now, to the good stuff… What I got for Christmas!! Lol.

I swear, each year I tell Derek not to go overboard and spend too much money.  And each and every year, he spoils the heck out of me.

This year was nothing different.

My dear husband got me some wonderful presents.  First off, he filled my stocking with socks.  I love socks… not plain socks… But socks with attitude.  Lol.  There was also a gift card from Borders Book Store in there… Because he knows I love to read.  Btw, I’m on book 10 of the Stephanie Plum series from Janet Evanovich!!  Loving the books too…

He also got me the game “Mario Kart” for my Nintendo DS and two movies… “Four Brothers” and “Fantastic Four”- which I just happened to get him too!  Too funny huh?

My “BIG” presents were the best though.  For someone who complains about me having too many Dooney and Bourke purses, he surprised the hell out of me and bought me one!  I think I was so shocked that I scared him into thinking I didn’t like it.  Not true though.  I loved it!

The other present was a Kodak picture station.  Where I just put my Memory Card into it and can print pictures right from it!  Its awesome and the quality of the pictures are amazing!!  I’m surely going to use that… I so want to get some albums started and this is a good way to do it!

Of course, I thought I had spoiled Derek until I got my presents.  He always does that to me.  Shows me up and what not.  Lol.  Oh well.  He liked his gifts… two pairs of Vans and a Vans sweat shirt.  PJ’s and Slippers.  A movie and video game for his Xbox 360.  A Gift Card to Buckle (a store in the mall) and a few other stocking stuffers.  I guess next year I’ll have to work a little harder on spoiling him!

Whew. Am I boring you guys yet with all our goodies.

So, after opening presents and playing with toys… My lovely husband made breakfast for us all… Including my brother who came over.  He had been at my parent’s house (they were in San Francisco the night before) and was lonely so he came over.

Later that afternoon, we headed over to my parent’s house for presents and Christmas dinner. 

Santa also made a visit there for Rowan and Zach and this time he left what she had asked for.  She got a Disney Princess (lol.. so much Princess stuff) doll house and Mr. Z got a “My First Truck” truck. 

I won’t go into telling you each and everything they got us… But I will say, they spoiled us!!  Like, diamond tennis bracelet for me spoiled… hehe. 

I will tell you what we got my parents though.  Back on the 17th, after Derek got home from Monterey, us four and my brother and his fiancé went to the mall to the Picture People and had a group photo done.  It came out so lovely and of course they loved it.  We got a 10x13 for my parents and an 8x10 for my grandparents.

It made my mommy cry. Aww… How sweet huh?

So, yeah, that was our Christmas.  A pretty busy one at that.  I wish it were a little longer than what it was.  It always takes so long to prepare for and then it just goes so quickly!

Oh well, it will be back again in less than 365 days!

Hope you all enjoy the pictures and the very long update!!

~Pickle Jenn~


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful Christmas.  Darling children.  I LOVE Janet Evanovich's books.  Just wished she would write faster !  LOL   In case you don't realize it, she has a few out of the series too that she has written.  They are just as good, just in a different style !

Anonymous said...

I got the Kodak camera and printer too! I love it:) So happy you all had a good Christmas. Kids are growing so fast, cute as ever.. Take care..

Anonymous said...

Oh my...there's way too much to respond to in this entry!  First of're copying my idea, ey??  LOL  Good!  I think it's really interesting to read and it allows the writer to really comtemplate the past year.  Good for the soul, I say!  <grin>  

We didn't buy Autumn nearly as much as we bought Parker either.  I just didn't think it was worth it...although I have to say, she was more interested in her presents than I thought she'd be.  She ripped into them one after another.  Still though...she got TONS of stuff.  

I love the Vans..too cute.  

And Jenn...there's not a thing wrong with getting spoiled for Christmas.  I say good for you!  You work hard all deserve a little something.  =)  

Oh, I remember something else...I ADORE the Stephanie Plum series.  I own them all and am eagerly anticipating the next installment.  They are the funniest books I think I've ever read.  

I love your purse!  I got a new purse too...only it's a red plaid Hilfiger.  It matches my red peacoat.  <grin>  The kodak memory card thing is very cool.  Like you, I've been working on getting my kids photos in albums.  It's so time-consumming.  I've been putting them in chronalogically...which takes FOREVER.  Good luck!  The gift idea for your parents was wonderful!  I'm sure they adored it!  

And I loved your pictures!  Especially Rowan's make-up and Zach's cigar smoking.  <grin>


Anonymous said...

I had long awaited this entry, my friend, and it was so worth the wait! Your pictures of the beautiful family were a joy to share. It looks as though it was just the kind of day you deserve, and I wish you a whole lot more of them. It's been another great year of enjoying and sharing your journal.

Thanks for the great photos! Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

The pics are so cute.  I love the purse!  I am buying myself one when my birthday rolls around  :)  
I also tagged you in my journal.

Anonymous said...

I think Ro- Ro's makeup was just dashing and Little Zacharoo got the whole idea of opening presents really quick, he's now prepared for his B-day!

Like the purse, LOVED the socks, OMG I am a quirky sock junkie, I'll have to take pics this weekend of some of them, the furrier and funkier the better!  I have lots of problems with my toes so I have to wear my comfy soc

K, so tell me, if you both got each other the same movies, aren't you going to have to take two back?  Just curious, that will big me until you answer so make it quick!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a perfect holiday :)

Parents luck out when kids are young... Grace liked the boxes more than the gifts at Z's age ;)

Ro's makeup was fine!  Girls do go a little blush crazy though, don't they?  LOL

Yea! for making Moms cry on Christmas!  Then you know you did good :)

Glad you all had such a splendid time!


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a great christmas
thanks for sharing the pics they are great!

Anonymous said...

I am here now for the 4th time trying to leave a comment, but everytime I try, Emma bugs me!  Uggghhh!  GREAT pictures and sounds like it was a great Christmas for all of you!  HOORAY!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I loved all the pictures, especially the one of Rowan with the makeup on...too cute!!

Anonymous said...

great pictures...sounds like you guys had an awesome christmas
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures!  LOL at Rowan's ake-up job.  That's just too cute.  LOVE your socks.  I'm also addicted to socks with
