Friday, December 30, 2005

~Sneaking in at a Quiet Moment~

Just thought I'd stop in when I actually had a quiet moment today.

Rowan is at school and Mr. Z is fast asleep on the couch.  I don't know how long that will last, since he has gotten pretty used to being held while he naps... But I put him down anyhow.

I should be trying to clean up the lovely mess that we call a house.  We still have everything out from Christmas and it isn't getting any better.  Plus, there are loads of laundry to be washed and laundry that has already been washed to be folded.  Ya'll know how much I HATE laundry :)

Yet, I put that off to come here... Aww, what a good journal friend I am!!



I ran out this morning to do some errands.  Of course I hit up my favorite store... Target.  Had to get those things that you just have to have to live day by day... You know, like toliet paper and diapers for the kid.

I also picked up some inexpensive snow boots for the kiddies...

Why did I pick up snow boots you ask???

Because on Monday, we all- yes, all 4 memebers of the Pickle Jar- will be heading up to Yosemite National Park!!

My parents will already be there and my bro and his fiance will be coming with us too.  We'll be staying at the Yosemite Lodge over night and playing in the snow!!  How fun!!

So after I pick Ro up from school, I'll be taking her and Zach over to a local sporting goods place to rent some snow bibs... because suprisingly, Target didn't have any!!  Plus, its cheaper to rent those anyhow.

Anways, so yeah.  We'll be spending the 2nd and 3rd day of 2006 in one of the most beautiful places (in my mind) in the state!!  It should be lots of fun and I'll be sure to take plenty of pics to share!


Can you guys believe that tomorrow is the last day of 2005??  Amazing, isn't it?

This year has really flown by and really been a roller coaster ride for our family...

I am going to try to get to do what I'm bumming off of Bridgett... The Year 2005 in Review... Tomorrow... I'm hoping!!

We were invited by my lovely friend Laura of "Adventures in Juggling" to come up to her house for an "New Years Eve Open House"... So, we'll be doing that for a bit and then heading to my BIL and SIL's house to hang out with the rest of the family there later in the evening. 

I'm sure we'll be there into the wee-hours of the night... I just hope I can get Mr. Z to sleep and keep him asleep.  Nothing worse than a tired and cranky baby...


So, I hope each and every one of you has a wonderful last two days of 2005 and that you all have a Safe and Sane New Year!!

Speaking of New Year... Did ya'll check out the wonderful side bar graphic that Nae made me??  Isn't she awesome!!!


Well, I need to run... Gotta empty out the back of my car from all those Target bags and then make a list of other things I need to accomplish today... Yeesh, I'm guessing I'm going to be a busy girl!

OH!!  I finished the 10th book by Janet Evanovich last night... It was great.  I am going to read one of her other books, "Manhunt", before I pick up the 11th... Has anyone read "Manhunt"??


Okay, I'm really going now...

~Pickle Jenn~


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have a great plan with which to welcome in the New Year. It's going to be a great year! Enjoy every moment of your trip.

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

yes i've read'll enjoy it !  Good, light, easy read !   Enjoy :)

Anonymous said...

Ive read manhunt...good easy will enjoy it!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like everything is going great in the pickle jar!
I hope that you all have a great trip and a happy New Year!
ps..going to check out the side bar now.

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good Christmas, and Happy 2006! I also read Manhunt and thought it was great....

Anonymous said...

I haven't read "Manhunt" yet, but I think I would like too. I picked up the 10th book awhile back for some reasonm, not realizing it was a series and COULDN"T PUT IT DOWN..LOL Now I want to get the previous 9. ;)

I don't know why I am so suprised, but I didn't think Cali got any snow at all. The kids are going to have a BLAST. I hope you have a good time.

Happy New Year!!
~hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

We cleaned the "mess" we call our house today, too!  Isn't it nice to have those quiet moments?  They are so few and far between.

Anonymous said...

i wish i would have read this entry before we were at borders the other day...i was looking for a good book to read...what kind of books does she write?
have fun in the snow!!!
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!  I've always heard Yosemite is gorgeous.  Hope you're having a fabulous time!  

Happy 2006!  I'm blessed to have you as a friend in my life, Pickle Jenn.  

And I haven't read Manhunt...let me know how it is!


Anonymous said...

I hope you guys had a great time playing in the snow.  I haven't read anything from Janet Evanovich.  I will though when I'm done with my others.  I'm just now reading the Jennifer Weiner books you had mentioned in here a long time ago.  I can't even remember which books I got.  I just know you said she was a good author.  
