Thursday, December 8, 2005

Long Time No See!!!

Hey all.  

I know I've been MIA and I'm sorry about that.  

Things have been pretty busy in the Pickle Jar and for me to find time to sit down at the computer and upload the pictures I want to show you (of my hair, of the wedding and Ro's recital) is pretty hard.   I've been trying to be a good girl and limit my AOL time down to my 'break' at work.  So, that is one of the reasons why I haven't done much than comment in people's J's.  

Also, my family is keeping me pretty darn busy.  

Rowan of course is doing her gymnastics and dance.  She is also coming down with a cold (along with me too!) so we are trying to keep that from hitting her pretty hard.  I guess she is being ran ragged, huh?  

 Mr. Z is keeping me on my toes.  He is everywhere and into everything.  I swear, he is going to be the death of me :)  He loves to rip paper into shreds and then stick the pieces into his mouth.  He is now tall enough to reach the top of the dinning room table.  In fact, he pulled a christmas decoration down onto his little knoggin' last night.  It didn't hurt him, but he cried because it scared him.  

He also went to his 9mon well baby check up yesterday afternoon.  I was suprised to find out that he has only gained an ounce or two.  I guess from him "running" around so much he hasn't put any weight on.  Not like he doesn't eat anything either.  That boy is downing down 8oz at a time and having two "solid" meals a day!  Supposedly he is in the "normal" range for his height (29in) and his weight, so thats good to hear.  

We do go to the cardiologist on the 20th too.  I'm excited to hear how he is doing and when he plans on weaning Zach off his meds.  But like I've said before... I don't mind him being on his meds as long as he is healthy.  I don't want him coming off them too soon!!  I'll be scared out of my mind!  


We are supposed to be heading down to Monterey tomorrow to go visit Derek.  I hope we can keep that plan... But with Missy Moo not feeling well, I am guessing I'm going to have to play the trip by ear.    I hope we can go.  If we don't, I'm not sure if Derek will come home or not.  Plus, I was looking forward to the trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and seeing Rowan's face!  She has been there before... But it was a while ago when she was younger!  

I'd also like to see my husband... and have the kiddos see their daddy!!  

In other news...

My parents will be moving out in the next few days!  Yup, everything went well and they got their keys today!  They should be moving in on Monday... if all goes as planned.  They are so excited... But we'll really miss having them with us!  

Can you guys believe that Christmas is only 16 days away???  Crazy huh??  It is finally starting to feel like Christmas too.  We have our house decorated and some presents purchased.  I have officially finished shopping for Rowan and Zach.  I have purchased the present for Derek's "Secret Santa" and a present or two for Derek.  I have no idea what else I'll be getting my dear husband.  I told him not to go over a specific amount this year... But I don't know if he'll abide by my rule.  I hope he does... I still have to get presents for my bro and his fiance... my nieces and my "Secret Santa"... plus a little something for my momma too.  Guess I should get my butt into gear, huh?!?!  

Oh yeah.   

Tomorrow my kiddos are having their Christmas pictures taken.  My grandma purchased Robo a pretty red dress and I went to Target and by saving grace I found an outfit for Zach that matches perfectly!!  Black cords, white shirt and red/black sweater!  Its too cute... So they'll take some pictures in those outfits and some Christmas PJ's that I got from Oldnavy!!  I swear, I can't wait to see how those come out... I'm sure (hoping) they'll be adorable!!  

Well, I promise (this time for real...) that when I get back from Monterey (hoping we'll go!! keep your fingers crossed for us!!) I'll post the pictures and do a real good update.  

Love you all...
~Pickle Jenn~


Anonymous said...

I've been MIA too, so you won't see me getting on your case.  I too, have pictures, dating back to early November!  Ugh, where does the time go???

Julie was my paper eater.  I could give her a zilliondifferent toys, but she was perfectly content with sale ads.  Alex pulled something off the table when he was 9 months old too...a tray of paint!  I was sponge painting my apartment, and that little bugger reached up and grabbed the edge of the tray and dumped forest green paint onto my tan carpeting...wait it was even minne, it was the apartments and I had to pay to get it cleaned!  I think that's the only thing that kid has ever done "wrong" and he's eight now, so I guess I can let the paint thing go LOL.

I still need to shop for my co-worker, my mother, my grandparents, Ciara's godmother, her godmother's son, Ciara, Alex, Julie and I guess BIll LMAO. I'm going to try to get 99% of it done this weekend.

Yay, the parents are moving out!  HEHEHEHE!  Guess you'll have room for me to come stay now in January.  My G-Pop is giving all the grandkids 1000 smackers for Christmas, so I have my plane ticket money now!  Of course, this doesn't make me turning 30 any better...ah well I'll get over it and pile on more Oil of Olay.

Kisses to you and the gerkins..or is it gherkins..whatever


Anonymous said...

OMG NAE!!! I'm soooo coming the same time you are! -and 30 ain't shite Girl!! LOL Weeee.....

Awwww, Pickle, so sorry to hear the snot monster came to town, uggg!!! OJ & Chicken Soup, and I MEAN IT!!!!! Grrrrr *wink*

Well, Baby, I for one am dying over here. I "NEED" pics and can't wait till I get my Christmas pics in the mail *double wink wink*

Give Mom & Pops great big CONGRATS for me (((Hugs)))

And, You know where I am: Right Here, Always!

I hope ya get to see your hubby, hope hope!

Barbie @>---------

Anonymous said...

I am missing seeing those sweet babies.  Have a safe trip and godspeed.

Anonymous said...

Sure, sure, sure, promises, promises.  I WANT PICTURES DARNIT!!!  I feel like I haven't seen your kids in like FOREVER!!!!!  Have a safe trip to visit Derek and I better see some pics when you get back, or else (or else what?  I have no clue!  LOL!).
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Hope you get to go!  Chase that cold bug away....

Go, Zachy go... hee hee.  The second kid is always the trouble maker... just ask me ;)

I have been bad at getting pictures in, too... so I'll save my rant on those.

Mixed feelings on the folks moving out... it's nice to have help in the house for those unplanned moments, but I'm sure it'll be nice to go visit them :)

Christmas.. coming way too fast, still have almost all my shopping and baking to do yet... eeeek!

Have a good weekend, fingers crossed on Monterey and the pics!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you, Jenn!  I'm guessing, since you haven't written again that you got to go visit your hubby.  I hope that's the case!  

I'll be looking forward to the pictures!


Anonymous said...

It's good to hear from you!  I can't believe Zach is getting so big.  It seems like just a month ago, you hd him.  Time goes by too fast.

I hope you got to go on your trip to see Derek!  Awwww, I know you'll miss your parents when they move out.  It'll seem so quiet around there for awhile until you get used to it again.

Christmas is getting close and I am completely done with my shopping.  I know you woulldn't expect this from Can wait to see the Christmas pictures of the kids!  I know they'll turn out cute.

You haven't been by my journal in while.  Hope you're not mad at me for something ;)


Anonymous said...

It does sound like you have been busy. I am trying to play catch up with journals and wrap christmas gifts...ugh, its never ending!