Tuesday, June 6, 2006

~Busting Out at the Seams~

No, I am not talking about my mama-jamas popping out of my top :)

I'm talking about us in our house.


In the entry previous to the photo entry below, I mentioned that there is some possible house hunting going on over here in the Pickle Jar.


The words "Selling", "Loan", "Buying" and "Mortgage" give me the hibby-gibbies!


But yes, we are looking into putting our house on the market and purchasing a new home.

We haven't really made a decision yet... but it looks like we will be doing the above.  We just have to get qualified for a home loan bigger than the one we have now and then find a house that both Derek and I can agree on :)

Yeah, go figure... Derek and I have different ideas on where we'd like to live and what kind of house we want to buy... who would have thought, lol.


We are looking for a house that is bigger than our 1700sqft house that we have now... something with 3-4 bedrooms with either a game room or a loft.  Not to mention a 3 car garage if possible.

Are we asking a lot?

Um, I would have to say HELL YES!!


Yet, we have found a few homes.

There was a house in the town that Derek's brother lives in that we were looking at.  It was perfect online... price and square footage.

But once we saw the house, it wasn't as great.

Yeah, there was a huge game room... and the family/dining room was huge!  Unfortunately, the master bedroom was tiny and so were the other bedrooms that would have been used for the kids.


I told Derek that if he thought we were busting out at the seams right now, we would be pushing the limits in that house.


So, basically, we've decided that if we are going to buy a house, it needs to be 2000sqft or more.  We will be living in that house for 10-15 years (if not more!) and we need room to grow!


Don't get us wrong, we love love love our house.  It has a beautiful pool in the back yard... pergo floors... 3 bedrooms and a den (possible 4th bedroom, it would just be small).


We just desire a bigger house.


We are actually going to go look at a house in the town that my parents live in on Friday.  The house we are looking at is only about a 1/2 mile down the road from their house and is brand new.  Never been lived in (something that I like- while Derek would rather live in a home that is "established").


The house is 3100sqft!!!

Can you say HUGE?!?!?!


It has 4 bedrooms and 3 baths... a possible loft (can't tell well with the online pics), a built in tech center, huge kitchen with island, and a detached 3 car garage on the side of the house.


From the pictures, I love it...

And if we both love it when we see it, we will probably be putting our house up on the market and making an offer with the seller- that is if there are no other houses that we find between now and Friday afternoon.


A plus side of selling our home and buying another one is the fact that we'll be able to pay off our of our bills (credit cards and car payment...).  Not to mention that we'll be only 2 mins from the "babysitter".

IF we do move there, I will be cutting down on my commute... but unfortunately, Derek will be adding a good 15 mins to his.  So basically, he'll be picking up my other half of the commute.


We are pretty excited about this whole new start...

Yet if nothing goes through, we keep telling each other, that it doesn't matter.

We already have a house that we love and if moving doesn't work out now, then it wasn't ment to be... there is aright time for everything... we'll just have to see if its our right time now or not!


Sooo... I'll keep you updated!!


Anonymous said...

sounds wonderful, or you could always build on to your present house if you don't buy another.

Anonymous said...

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!  I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya!

Honestly, Im envious of ya'll.  I would love to be able to purchase a house, but since the hub and I moved back to the bay area, we can kiss that dream good bye, and I honestly would never be able to handle the commute from the Valley to the Bay every day!

I hope everything goes well for ya, the two of you deserve it!



Anonymous said...

good luck, hope that big house is nice and you never know maybe you can be living in it. Can't wait to hear about it.

Anonymous said...

Oh good luck good luck good luck!!

Sounds like you guys have a solid plan, a great attitude, and a good prospect!!!

I can't wait till Friday to see what you thought of the house!!!



Anonymous said...

Wow!  That's quite a plan.  I understand about busting at the seams, we are at our house, and we've only lived here for two years.  Good luck, please keep us informed of how things go Friday.

Anonymous said...

Not to be too nosey..but whats the price range in your part of California? I'm in Florida and prices have sky rocketed and heard California is higher... What can you sell your 1700 sqft home with pool for? and whats a 3100 house go for?
We had our home built 2 years ago and the day we closed we were told it was worth 100 grand more than what we paid for it and now its allot more than that..we put the pool/spa in last Feb..but now I want another house hehe..decisions decisions...... I'd have to pay off pool loan which would be no prob since its worth alot more than mortgage payoff is.... Like you I'd love to get all our bills wiped out..but a bigger home means HIGHER mortgage payments....
So just wondering what the housing market is doing there.....good luck!

Anonymous said...

Man right now I'd love to have that 1700 sq feet house! When we were at Fort Riley our house was only 995 sq ft and the apt we're in now, is about 1300 sq ft, so it's drastically larger...but you don't get much choice when you're in Germany and in military housing.

When we move back to the states we're planning on buying a house and we want at least 2,000 sq ft. We know we're not done having children and want a home that allows us growth in that dept. as well as a nice roomy living area's!

I will be praying that God allows what's best for your family.

Anonymous said...

Good luck!  I can't imagine trying to go through the whole house buying process again...not yet anyhow!  We don't have much room to grow either and if we have another kiddo we'll definitely be looking for a new home too probably.  :)  TTYL

Anonymous said...

That's awsome congratualtions! I can't wait to see pictures of the new house if and when you get one! Can't wait to hear all the details as this progresses!

Anonymous said...

Wow!  Sounds cool!  Except for the actual moving part.. LOL  

I've packed up and moved too many times... have no desire to do it again ;)

But sounds like the house by your parents is the one you'l both love.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that when you decide, your present house will go fast!


Anonymous said...

dang! that's a mighty big pickle jar!
your house will be bigger than mine!
I know a really great realtor. ;0
Good luck whatever you guys end up doing.

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the house hunting!  I'm sure you'll find something that you can both agree on.  


Anonymous said...

Jenn I am so sorry for not stopping by, I am sure you know I just haven't been around. I lost my thrill for all of this. : )

You seem to have a lot going on which is GREAT! I am glad to see everything going good (the photos below were so freak-n precious). You are too sweet, and I will keep my fingers crossed for the house. :D


Anonymous said...

God. Good Luck! house hunting has always been a nightmare for me.  it's not that my husband and I can't agree on a place, because we've established that we can; it's that the majority of the stuff in our price range is either in a bad neighborhood (and I don't mean Compton-bad, just dirty, higher crime-rate, etc) or not up to code (read: totally unsafe) or both.  And the few we've found that aren't icky and in a bad place get snapped up before we can even finish writing up our offer.  *sigh* Luckily, some friends of ours bought a new house recently, and are allowing us to rent their place for a couple of years with the hopes of our buying it.  (where we moved to in March)  and this works because I really like this house. it's not the most perfect house for our family, EVER, but it is close.  The only problems are that there is a bunch of stuff we'd have to fix to make it really work for us, and the house itself would cost a bit more than we originally wanted to spend.  But I'm doing almost everything in my power to make it so we can buy this place, or at least something close to it.  so! although I can't imagine how you two manage the car payments and mortgage and stuff where I KNOW it's so much more expensive for real estate (and everything else!) in California, I wish you the best of luck on this, because I know how rough the house hunting and loan-process can be and moving, too.  ugh I shudder just thinking about it.  so yeah good luck.  give those adorable babies of yours hugs from me!  ~Liz

Anonymous said...

I wish you luck on the house hunting!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with everything. I know how you are feeling as it is so fresh to me. I am with you though...the words loan and mortgage make me cringe.


Anonymous said...

good luck house hunting i hope you find something that you both like and its exactly what you are looking for.
keep us posted ;)
<3, emily