Thursday, June 22, 2006


So, I haven't played the Thursday Thirteen in a while...
Being that today is Thursday and I have the opportunity to play, I might as well, right?
Today, I will list the Thirteen Things that I Hope for at the moment:
I hope...
1. that even though it is supposed to be 108 tomorrow, it doesn't reach that temperature!!
2. that my little man, Zachary Justice, does not throw a fit that is too big to be dealt with while at the cardiologist tomorrow.
3. that the cardiologist finds that Zach's heart is strong enough to come off of his meds...
4. that when Zachary comes off of his meds, that there will be no episodes of SVT.  My little man has been through too much in his 16mons of life!
5. that we'll get everything in our house done soon to get it on the market.
6. that when our house is on the market, it sells... and quickly! ;)
7. that when our house does sell... we have enough money in the end to pay EVERYTHING off...
8. that my dear husband is safe at work tonight
9. that I'll be able to sleep tonight- sleep hasn't been coming easy for me the last few nights.
10. that everything will fall into place for us
11. that my kiddos return to their happy healthy selves SOON!!
12. that the pool is warm enough to get into tomorrow... lol... only I would hope that!
13. that each and everyone of my family members and friends know how dear they are to me...
So there you go.
My Thursday Thirteen of things that I Hope for...
Have a wonderful evening Friends...
~Pickle Jenn~


Anonymous said...

I love your thursday 13, I hope it's not that hot and when you do get the house on the market it sells fast.

Anonymous said...

I am glad the testes went well!