Wednesday, June 21, 2006

~Update on the Babies and Life in General~

Well, life is still very busy and hectic (to say the least) here in the Pickle Jar.

As I speak, my dear daughter has decided to make my couch her trampoline and my son is making a mess out of eating some apple sauce.


Besides the busy and hectic life, the kids are doing well.


Ro's cough has subsided.  She still seems to get drained really easily and what not, but thankfully she isn't complaining about her ears hurting.  Also, she is eating like a horse!


Mr. Z is another story.  We took him back to his doctors office on Monday for a follow-up appointment to the visit in the ER- I'm still waiting for the bill for the $100 copay!

The CPNP (I think that is right) was surprised to hear that Zachary had not had a breathing treatment while he was in the ER.  So, he got one there in the office.

He also got 3 different prescriptions. 

Yes, I said 3.

He got another prescription for Zithromax- to be taken after the prescription from the ER is over.  He got a 'script for a steroid and for an albuterol inhaler.

He SO did not like the breathing treatment at the doctors office.  He was actually holding his breath while he was doing it.  Thankfully, he does take the inhaler some what well.  There is still some what of a fight, but other than that, he inhales it good :)


What I'm really worried about is the fact that Zachary is having an adversion to Doctors and Nurses.

Every time he sees one of them, he screams and he cries.

Its not really a big deal when it comes to a normal check up and what not...

But see, he has his cardiologist appointment on Friday.... to determine if he is ready to come off of his meds!!!



Its not going to be a good appointment if he is screaming and crying during his EKG and ECG. 


Ugh, I'm super worried about that!!


Wish us luck that I can calm my dear son down enough for them to get good readings!


Other than the cardio appointment on Friday, I don't have much else going on.

We do have (another!) graduation party to go to on Saturday, but other than that, the weekend is quiet.


But next week...

That is a different story!!


I'm off to Santa Barbara with my best friend Amy to visit a girl that we went to school with that lives down there now.


Let me tell you, I soooo need this trip.

Just the girls and sun and fun...

Oh yeah.


Its about freakin' time and I can't wait to get my party on!!!


I've got the cutest outfit and shoes that I want to wear ;)

Good thing I'll have my camera with me all weekend to share pictures with you all... lol.


Okay, I gotta run.  The kids are wanting their Tomato Soup that I microwed for them.


Have a great evening all!

~Pickle Jenn~


Anonymous said...

have fun, glad to hear the little one is getting better.

Anonymous said...

Emma hated those nebulizer breathing treatments too until the nurse gave her a really cool dinosaur mask, then she LOVED them!  I will send you a pic so Zachy can see someone else doing a breathing treatment and maybe, just maybe, realize that he is not alone out there.  The standard treatment for pneumonia is Zithromax, steroids and albuterol, so don't worry, he will be feeling much better within a few days.  I hope the Cario appt goes well on Friday, but honestly, I don't blame that little one for freaking when he sees docs and nurses now!  He has been through so much already!  Maybe bring a lollipop to keep in his mouth to calm him down during the tests.  Hey, nothing like bribery right?!  LOL!  So happy you are getting away for some ME time!!  You really need it woman!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

good luck with the kids and poor z and his meds. Have a good time in Santa Barbara with Amy.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenn, been reading your journal for awhile and just wanted to say I'm glad the kids are feeling better! Good luck with Zach on Friday...and have fun in Santa Barbara! That's where I live, I have all my life, what a coincidence huh? I hope our weather will be nice for you...we've been socked in with fog lately but hey maybe you can use a break from the heat anyway! Have a great weekend :)

Anonymous said...

Happy the kids are getting better!  Fingers crossed for Zach :)

Enjoy your weekend!

Can't wait for the pictures...


Anonymous said...

Shelby had/has an absolute hatred of doctors and dentists--she broke her leg when she was sixteen months old, and has had tow painful oral surgeries with general anesthesia...Mandy was around doctors all the time when she was little and never minded them. Each kid is different. What we did do is to buy them each a treat after the doctors office visit. It helped, I think, even if it is just the dollar store..

Anonymous said...

I hope that the kiddies are feeling 100% better soon and that you are able to enjoy your girlie trip!
