Thursday, July 26, 2007

Proof that Men Do Not Listen...

Early today, my hubby calls while I'm having my lunch at my desk....


He goes, "So, this is your second week of WW, right?"


"Yup" I replied.


"And last week you lost .2 lbs huh?"


"Umm, no, I didn't," I responded.  "I lost 5.2lbs."


He goes on to say that he could have sworn that I had I had told him that I had lost only .2lbs and he couldn't figure out why I had been so happy about it!!


I said to him, "See, this is proof that you really don't listen to what I say!"


And he says, "No, you just called me while I was playing video games and I couldn't hear you."


Uh huh.

Sure he couldn't...




Anonymous said...

Hey, look at the bright you know when to ask for the big stuff..a new chair, a weekend with the girls, shopping spree at Borders...


Anonymous said...

sounds so much like convos me and mine have, LOL
gotta love them ( at times, lol)

Anonymous said...

.2 pounds???? that would be an accomplishment!!!!!  hahahahaha

Just pee and you lost that much weight.  LMFAO

That's hilarious!!!!


Anonymous said...

I think 5.2 pounds is WONDERFUL!! I'd be stoked too if I were you. Derek is like Greg, he only hears half of what I'm saying. LOL

Y'all might not see me around for a few days... I finally picked up the HP book... I'm already on page 243 and I just started about an hour and a half ago! LOL.. I'm such a nerd!


Anonymous said...

LMAO that sounds just like something my husband would say...the video game part.  Geez!

Anonymous said...

LOL, I could never condemn a man for a sin I'm regularly guilty of

Anonymous said...

all men do this no matter what they are doing video games or tv or doing nothing at all.. its selective hearing



Anonymous said...

Men suck...

go to my last entry and look at my comments...Tree left a link there ;)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm I know the feeling of men not listening but yet, they still insist that they do, cracks me up! Tell your husband it is against the law to not listen to us girls and if he fails to listen it is reasons for cuffs to come in to play, LOL

Anonymous said...

WW really?? How do you like it?
5.2 lbs??? CONGRATS!!! That is amazing!!!
I need motivation like that, Inspire me!
Kickbox your husband then tackle him to the ground, show off your work momma!
