Blah Blah Blah...
I'm still not 100% better.
Tired and just feeling worn down.
But I'm back at work today...
Gotta make some money, ya know??
Things in the Pickle Jar aren't going that well...
Both Derek and I are still recovering...
Now my mama is Sick. Poor lady... She HATES being sick. HATES IT!!
Rowan is doing good though... No sign of sickness creeping back in to her...
Zach is still going strong. Keep your fingers crossed that this Flu doesn't hit that poor boy...
I've got so much to catch up on today... So I best be off to it...
Besides, my phunky feeling isn't helping my mood... And AOHELL is pissing me off with this whole thing of not getting ANY ALERTS at all...
AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Pickle Jenn~
Glad ur feelin a lil' better...
Hope ur mom feels better soon and u both are back
to 100% by the weekend....i hate flu season =(
AOL fix our alerts!!!!! I only had 25 today instead of my normal 50 or so
Hope you feel better as the week progresses... and your Mom, too!
Oh.. and no sickies for the baby, either! Lysol the place like crazy and anitbacterials always! ;) That'll hopefully let him skip this bug.....
Sorry about alerts... not getting mine either.... or most of them anyway :)
Glad Miss Ro is still going strong!
Have a better tomorrow....
Hey baby! Gosh I'm sorry about today.....
I was writing a long comment, remember? Anyhoo... Ryan disconnected my modem on accident while he was painting and while you and I were in IM. That was after I was doused from head to toe in mud. Long story but, I had to turn off the water main at the street and wash off with the water that was left in my hose, major ewwww but so so funny I couldn't stop laughing!! You should have seen me; I looked like a drown rat! LOL. After that my modem was so confused I had to wait an hour before it could right itself. sheez! And, after thaaaat, *wink* I watched the Star Wars new release. It was really good.
I hope everything is back to normal with your alerts 'Hope Hope' and that the whole Pickle family is feeling much much better. 'Hope Hope Hope'!!!
Love ya lots,
Barbie @>-----------
Love love the green! weee..... The color of pickles *wink*
Ya know, I'm new to photoshop, but if you have something in mind, I will try and give it a go for some graphics if you'd like. Let me know, kk?
*kiss kiss*
Me sick too. Now Aaron has sore throat. Me not getting alerts either. Hope we all feel better soon. Hugs,
oh my your journal looks so plain!!! lol! I wish I had some good fall stuff i'm not that talented at all that graphic design stuff as i'd like to be....I hope you perk back up pickle!!!
you and your family take care....have you guys gotten that flu shot yet???? i feel bad that you are always passing stuff back and forth...i hate that it is so hard to finally get rid of the sickies when they seem to be always there
well ttyl
<3, emily
I want you all better like now!
I'm sorry you, Derek and mom are sick....that sucks! I'm praying the kids stay healthy, you guys get beeter real soon AND I am spraying my 'puter with lysol!
love you!
Aw Pickle...honey, are you taking vitamens every day?
Well you need to...and take some extra vitamen C too!
Feel better soon! Oh, and for being tired and worn down
start taking some B12! They sell it at Walmart..
At least your on the road to recovery. A stomach flu is sweeping it's way through our house right now. Ugghh. I've been up all night...and my tummy is all gurgly. <sigh>
Hope your mom is feeling better soon.
Take care, Pickle Jenn.
I hate when sickness just goes from family member to family member. Get your mom on meds now so that maybe it can be nipped before it gets a firm hold on her.
As for alerts, I'm not sure I am getting all mine either but I'm so far behind that it really doesn't matter because I eventually find all the posts that I didn't get alerts for.
Here's to hoping both of us and ours will be up to our old habits soon.
WOW< you AND hubby getting the awful is that?!?!..Im sure you DID hate it that you had to miss it..but you guys have to take care of youselves to be able to tend to the kiddos!! Im sure it was all fine..they are still small..;)..MANY MANY more Halloweens to go!!
Hope to recooperate soon.. I know how crappy it is to work sick..PLUS take care of kids..(((HUGS)))
Sorry to hear you are all sick. I miss so much being away from J-land!!! Hope by now you are feeling better!!
I hope that mama pickle is all better soon! The jar needs some good health!
AWW! I hope everyone is feeling better soon! (i'm sure they are since I'm like 5 days behind on alerts .... I have over 100 to go yet .... maybe that's why you're not receiving yours, because I have so many, sorry!) :)
I hope you're all back up and running by now toots :)
I gave up on aol alerts. I dont think they'll (aol) ever get it right!
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