Thursday, November 17, 2005

~Well Now~

Well now...


I just had almost my WHOLE entry all typed out... And then my darling daughter came alone and hit the mouse button.

I don't know what happened, but it took me back a page and I lost the whole thing...





I'll just give you all the reader's digest version now that I'm short on time...



Sorry about going private.

Something important came up and I figured for that short period, going private would be the best solution.

I took care of what happened and now all is better.


So I am good on that point.


I'm also sad about how this community is crumbling around us.  The support system in J-land is going... going... almost gone!  Don't get me wrong, I don't like the banners either... But I love the community here and I like how the journals are set up.  So I'm not going anywhere.


The kids are good.


Zach is getting more teeth.  This time on the top and they are cutting in real high.  Looks painful.  He doesn't seem to mind too much.  Good thing for tylonel.


Rowan is good.

Going on her first Big Girl birthday party with her cousin to the movies.  They are going to see "Chicken Little".  She'll enjoy herself big time!


Busy weekend ahead.


Hair appointment tomorrow afternoon.  Then nieces birthday celebration in the evening!  Pizza and presents... the only way to go.

Saturday is still up in the air.  My MIL and I might go up to see her brother's new house in the mountains around here.  That should be a good time too.  I love the hills and the kids and I will get to get out of the house and spend some time with her.

Sunday my husband finally has a day off!!  I don't know what we'll do... Most likely stay home... But that will be fun.  Maybe we'll take the kiddos to the park and enjoy the nice weather we are having- it has been in the 70's here!!


Yep, that is about it... The readers digest version of what was lost :(


I hope all is well with everyone out there... Although, it is starting to look a lot like a ghost town, huh Anna??


Hugs and Love,
~Pickle Jenn~


Anonymous said...

Hey, I am still here!  I've noticed that a bunch of the Mommy journal people have stayed.  Isn't that odd?  Not really seeing that we deal with real everyday problems with our children so an ad is nothing compared to that stuff.  I put my pop up blocker on now and the ads aren't there anymore, so BONUS, I don't even have to look at them anymore.  See, if people didn't jump ship so quickly, they could have done the same thing, but noooooo, they all took off for the hills.  I am upset that a bunch of my friends are gone, such as Jennifer (xzasporated), Albert, and an entire group of journals I would read daily.  Time to just look for new ones to read I guess.  

I don't know how kids do it cutting new teeth.  It must be soooo painful, but yet they are usually pretty good about it.  I am a wuss when it comes to a toothache, nevermind having one come through the gums.  OUCH!!!  Sounds like you have a very nice weekend planned.  Oh, and you know what I have done at least 100 different times?  I have gone to look a website up while I am typing and entry and BAMMO my entry is gone!  I hate when I do that!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I hate losing an entry like sux!
I'm stayin put here on AOL too...i can't
see me goin anywhere else..this is my
"home"...within my home...if that makes
any   Have fun this weekend...
and enjoy Derek's day off....I wanna see
some pics of ur new "do" sometime this weekend...plz
what are you having done..?...anything exciting...
I sooooo need to do somethin with my's
straight as a board and just seems lifeless...i need

Anonymous said...

BOO! *wink*


As you know, I'm not going anywhere. I will also keep screaming at the top of my lungs to anyone who will listen but, guess what? No one will, go figure, hehe. I'm just so saddened by the fact that this should be a time of Thanksgiving around here but, Because of The Uproar about These Dang ads, it isn't. : (

This isn't about the ads. It's about the blatant disregard AOL gives it's paying members. "Give me my money back!" I will soon be screaming if they don't address our universal complaints. Nough said (sorry. grrrr. hehe)

Please enjoy every minute of your weekend, Honey. You deserve it! I'll be talking at you soon.

Sleep Sweet. Love ya Much,

Barbie @>---------

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have aim so I have always had the banners so it doesnt bother does suck for everyone else though but I hope everyone comes back soon...We just need to realize that as much as we love having pretty journals , as do I that the important thing is that we all have eachother ..glad things are going good for you ~Jess

Anonymous said...

Oh btw I have learned to type my entry on microsoft and save it and then copy and past because when I write long entries for some reason it wont if it does that all Ihave to do is bring up the entry I wrote on microsoft...only problem is that you have to take out some of the encoding that is left there from doing it in mircosoft, beats having to retype your entry again... ~Jess

Anonymous said...

Hey Pickle!

I'm still reading... does that count?  ;)

I hate losing entries.  I type mine in mail, save to send later, then copy it in... well, I used to do that....

Yea for going to the big girl party!  Grace was supposed to go to her first, but then she showed her butt all day, so she had to miss out.  Ro will live Chicken Little!  It's 3-D and you get glasses that look just like Chicken Little's to wear :)  Grace hardly takes hers off ;)

Glad you took care of the problem, its good to have you public again!  If you want to help try to stop the ads, the is a group that is trying to do so.

You do not have to leave AOL or change anything, all we need our voices to complain :)  click here if you want to help us (or copy/paste):

We have 65 members, as of yesterday.  I think we need alot more to be heard.  I still don't know which way I'm going as far as staying or going....

Have a good (real) Friday!  ;)


Anonymous said...

It doesn't help the ghost town feeling when I can't get my butt over here to comment!  Sorry :p

Anonymous said...

I hate when I do something and lose an entire entry!

I hope that your weekend was good.

I hate that J land crumbled too, and it all happened on my birthday...:(

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you about J~Land going downhill.  I think a lot of people will come back though.  

I hope Rowan had a BLAST at her first big girl birthday party.  
