Tuesday, November 15, 2005

>( <--- This is Me... Frustrated!!

Okay dokie artichokie.

I get that the freakin' banners aren't going anywhere.

AOHell doesn't give two cents about us.  Its obvious.  If they had cared any bit at all... They wouldn't have put the banners up on PAYING CUSTOMERS journals.


But what I'm really starting to huff and puff about is that we are having to go through IE to put in entries.

Do you realize how much time we are wasting by having to do that??


The SAVE button is still not working on our journals... So there goes that idea of actually putting an entry in using AOHell.




I'm upset here.  Luckily for AOHell I'm not ever going to be able to figure out HTML, so they don't have to worry about me leaving the journals for some other blog site.

I guess I'll just have to patiently (hahaha... yeah right!!) wait for AOHell to get their heads out of their asses to fix these problems!!


I suppose, if the shite is working right, that I might come back with an entry that isn't all bitching later on... or well, it might be bitching, but just a different kind :)


~The Pissed Off Pickle~


Anonymous said...

I hope they fix this soon for you paying customers!


Anonymous said...

Have you got yours to save regular yet? I can tell you what to do if you need me to.

Anonymous said...

I know AOL doesn't care about their customers.  They're such a huge company so they can afford to piss quite a few off before it hurts them any.  UGH!
