Friday, November 11, 2005

~Moving Furniture~

So, I've decided that I'm not going to bore you all with another Pickle Rant-n-Rave today :)

I'm actually in a pretty good mood... With it being my Day Off and all... lol.

I was able to sleep in an extra hour this morning and woke at 645am to get my dear pickle daughter, Rowan, up and ready for school.

Because I crawled out of bed and I guess I disturbed him, Mr. Z woke up... thankfully in a good mood though.

My Dad being the greatest Grandpa-pa (as Ro calls him) that he is had already started to make Miss Ro breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast and some cling peaches.

Rowan enjoyed her breakfast of eggs and peaches while I snuck a piece of toast in while making her lunch.  I swear, I'm so thankful that my daughter is Not picky at all when it comes to food.

We have a rule in our house (started with my mom) regarding food and new food.  You only have to try it once and if you don't like it, fine don't eat it... You just have to try it.

I always say, "Don't knock it before you try it"... Because you never know if you'll like it until you do try it.  It is so funny to see Rowan try something for the first time, expecting not to like it, and then realizing that she does.

Like with Cheesecake... She frowned upon it until she tried it... Then I couldn't even have the last bite!!  Brat... lol.


So anyways... I have seemed to go off on a tangent!


Furniture in my house has been moving all around lately.

It started yesterday with my parent rearranging and cleaning Ro's room for us.  They figured out a way to get all of her furniture in her room and give her the maximum space to play in.  They also go a bunch of her old clothes and toys put into a box for Goodwill.  Next, we'll be putting up shelves in her room to put the Disney Snow Globes on...

The other furniture that is moving in my house are the dinning room chairs.

Yep, we'll find them all over the dinning/front room area.

How do they move you ask??

Well, my dear son Zachary has found that he can use the chairs as a walker!!  So now he is moving them all about.  I swear, he gets this face like "Look at me... I'm a big boy"... He is proud of himself, that is for sure!

I swear, the next thing we know, he'll be walking on his own :(

Time sure flies when you are having fun... That is for sure!!


Hmm, what else... what else...


Oh yes.

The favor and center pieces that we worked on last night for my friend's wedding came out really nicely.  I think they'll look really good when it comes time for the wedding.

It was nice to just hang out with some girls too... No kids and no husbands :)


I can't wait for tomorrow... :D


Well, Derek is home now with lunch... Yippee!!!  So have a great weekend friends... Hugs to all :)


~Pickle Jenn~


Anonymous said...

We have the same food rule! Try it, if you like it enjoy, if not don't eat it. But you have to try it. And boy do they get standing ovations when they do try stuff and finish their meals.
But they come from their Mom's house saying things like "I hate hate hate that" and at our house they know to never say hate and to say "I don't care for that" instead.
You are sure teaching Rowan to be a good, adventurous eater, and not to be set in her ways! That rocks!


Anonymous said...

Does little Zach have a walker? It was my kids favo things.
Have fun this weekend and take some pics of the new colors in your house. if you get time..and of course of the babies.

Anonymous said...

zach is soon going to be walking EVERYWHERE! oh my! Time sure does fly!


Anonymous said...

We do that rule, too!  Must be catchy ;)

Go, Zachy, go!  He'll walk on his own before he turns one, no doubt!  (Sorry bout the y on Zach, one syllable just didn't sound right :)

Have a good night!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like it's great having your parents around!  I would love someone to cook for me!  I don't have that same eating rule in my house, but my grandmother in PA does.  She actually will give the kids a quarter if they try something new.  This worked really well with Bethany, but not with Matthew OR Emma.  LOL!  They say "No, it's okay, I don't want the quarter".  Hope you had a good time at your girls night out!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

LOL! : )

It might be time to establish the Dibs on Last Bite rule, hehe. That rule worked while I was growing up BUT! when it came to my household with me being mommy, all I ever got was "Geez Mom! Pig!" LOL

"And...This Little Piggy got none." : (

You, Pickle, have the bestest Mom & Dad EVER!!!


All the way home,

Barbie @>--------

Anonymous said...

Goodness, Zach is a big boy if he can move all those chairs.

Does he have a walker? Hes too freaking cute!!

Yummy, cheesecake!


Anonymous said...

No matter what I can always get a smile from you. You truly are a great person.

Thanks for this entry, I am now in the mood to move furniture! lol


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading your journal.

Anonymous said...

LOL ~ Autumn pushes around one of Parker's toys like it's a walker.  Well, I guess she DID.  She's been walking on her one for almost 2 months now.  <sigh>  I can't believe how fast they grow.

Glad the world is looking a little brighter for you!


p.s.  Left lots of comments!

Anonymous said...

I have the same eating rule here.  Casey used to be sooo picky.  I kid you not....up until she was 4 1/2, the only things she would eat were pizza, chicken nuggets, and chips.  Talk about aggravating!

I bet Zach looks so cute pushing chairs around.  He's getting so big!


Anonymous said...

i need to move around the furniture here too ; ) another project for a day i guess....mmmm cheesecake, darn now look what you did!!! haha
ttyl pickle
<3, em