Saturday, February 25, 2006

~My Belated Valentine's Day~

Yes, I said belated Valentine's day...

thats because we celebrated Valentine's day like 3 days after the fact :)


But that is okay.  My dear husband really knows how to spoil me.

Originally, my Valentine's day was supposed to be a suprise... but because I ask too many questions and had too many other plans for that day, Derek had to let me in on the secret.


See, that day, my brother had a roller hockey tourney in Sonora, which is about 1 hour away from the house...

So, while Rowan, Zach and I went and watched his game... my dear husband was preparing me my suprise.

When we got home that evening, these were the first things that I saw:
Aren't they pretty???  See, I like simple flowers like these over roses anyday... There is just something more happy about them.  I don't know how to explain it, but I like flowers like this more.

While we were away, my husband hand been preparing dinner for us.  This wasn't any ordinary dinner either, let me tell you!!  This dinner is only something that you get once a year, if that!!

Check it out:
Can you say OMG!?!

Isn't that something?  And my husband made it ALL...

Going clockwise, starting at "12" you've got a Lobster tail.  Yes, I said Lobster tail :)  Derek bbq'd it and it tasted wonderful!! 

Then you've got fresh asparsgus.  I love fresh veggies... but asparagus is one of my favorites!  Next is a mixture of sauteed onions, bell peppers and mushrooms... and that black thing with the yellow stuff on top... that would be a mushroom that Derek put on the bbq with cheese.  Oh they were tasty!! 

Then of course is the red meat.  That piece of steak there was only (if maybe) 1/4 of the steak that had been cooked... and then the last piece of food on the plate was Chicken.  Let me tell you, I was stuffed after I ate!!  But it was oh so good!!

As if all that food wasn't enough... Derek decided to make dessert while we watched TV.  Let me tell you, this dessert was heavenly and just as good as it looks on the box!!
Yum, Yum.

This Valentine's was one of the best that I've ever had... You wanna know why??  Because everything was done out of love... Derek knew that all those foods were my favorite and cooked them just for me- although he did enjoy them too ;)



Anonymous said...

Pretty flowers...but I'd take that dinner plate over them anyday...and I'd eat a second plate of it in place of the dessert!

Way to go Derek!


Anonymous said...

a man who can cook???? What a keeper you have there. That was so sweet of him.

Anonymous said...

That was sweet of him!
Looks like a great Vday!

Anonymous said...

aw pickle that was so sweet of your husband to surprize you !!!
glad you guys enjoyed valentines day
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

how wonderful that your husband made dinner and flowers and cake. That is so sweet and it did look good.  

Anonymous said...

A man that can cook is a good man to keep around!!!  YEE-HA for Derek!!!  So glad you were spoiled rotten!  You deserved it!!  And, I like flowers like the ones you got much better than roses anyday!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

What a sweetie! Looks good!

Anonymous said...

Awwww...that was so very sweet of Derek!!!!!
Glad you had a great valentines

Anonymous said...

WOW!  I'm seriously impressed.  That food looked delicious!  I love lobster tail...and all the other foods looked heavenly too.  

Very sweet!


Anonymous said...

Very sweet!!!  Your dinner looked YUMMY!
