Friday, February 10, 2006

~Should Be Sleeping, But Can't~

It's late... and I should be sleeping.

But thanks to my 2 hour nap this afternoon with my babies, I am the least bit tired.  Well, actually, I'm a bit tired, but I don't see sleep coming to me for a while.

So, I thought I'd come by here and put an entry in...

I just found out that my journal counter has been reset.  Puckers!  I was somewhere around 40,000+ counts... I don't understand why everyone's counters are reseting... Has any one heard anything about it???


I am so off on my days.  I swear, on Wednesday I thought it was Thursday... and yes, Thursday I thought it was Friday.  And well, you get the point... I'm thinking today is Saturday :)

Last night, Derek and I got to go out on a date.  Thanks to my parents, who had the kids overnight, we were able to spend some time with each other.

I had planned on going to a movie, since that is something we never do... but I couldn't find a movie that I wanted to see and one that I knew Derek wouldn't mind watching.

So, we ended up going to Target to get some things- that turned into a lot of things- and then to dinner.  We went to a mexican restuarant that I had been to, but he hadn't.  It was pretty packed in there... its a little whole in the wall place... but we enjoyed ourselves and the food.  I did pretty good by not eating too many chips and then having a Fijita Chicken Salad... Yum.

Oh yes... Derek has been doing this no carb diet for almost two weeks now.  See, Derek is very into his "starches" so this has been pretty tough on him.  Yet, like many guys, he is dropping the weight fast!  He has already lost something like 12lbs!  Doesn't that just frustrate you ladies??  Because it sure does me :)

I keep having to remind him (and myself) that women's bodies are made to hold onto extra weight because they are used to breed... its in the genes!!

Ugh, frustrating :)

On to other things now...

The kiddos are well.

Mr. Zachary has actually taken a few steps.  Yes, I said steps, but not walking.  He took some steps for my dad the other day... and then later that day I was able to see him do it again.  His new thing is just standing there unassisted for a few seconds before he finally sinks down to his bum. 

I swear, I thought I had a happy baby with Rowan... but he (knock on wood) is happy just about 90% of the time!!  I kid you not... unless he is tired, he is always smiling and playing around.

Although, his new thing is hitting people in the face :X  This morning I told him to give his Daddy a kiss good-bye and he ends up smacking Derek right in the face... then laughed his little booty off.  It was almost too cute to tell him no... but I did any how!

Rowan had another field trip today... One that I was able to go with her on.  But the blonde in me forgot to bring the camera :(  Oh well, there wasn't too much to take pictures of, but still... I should have known better.

See, they went to this indoor inflatable park.  You know, like Bounce Houses and Blown up slides and what not... stuff like that.  They all seemed to have a wonderful time... and I can tell you that Rowan sure loves all of her teachers.  She had a few of them wrapped around her finger today playing on all kinds of the bouncie stuff with her.  Too cute!

Poor Mr. Zachary had a hard time with the idea of seeing his sissy running around and having so much fun and not being able to play with her... I kept telling him when he got older he could play with his sissy... lol.

I really don't have much planned for the weekend... I'm hoping that the weather stays nice, because it will be wonderful if we could spend some time outside.  The kids and I were outside this evening, pulling weeds (Ro loves to pull weeds!!) and watering the plants.  It would be nice to work in the yard more tomorrow and maybe walk down to the park... But knowing the weather and the fact that I'd want to spend time outside, the weather will be crappy :(


Have you guys heard of James Blunt??  Oh my god... I'm so in love with his CD.. Thanks to my honey that is.  Derek had come home the other night- well, morning that is- and told me he had stuck a CD that he burnt off Itunes for me.  Well, me being the romantic I am, was thinking that it was some CD that had songs that had reminded him of me...

Well, it wasn't.  It was James Blunt.  But thats okay, because I'm so digging it.  It was pretty ironic too when Nae (WE MISS YOU NAE!!!) emailed me this afternoon with one of his songs attached and said that she had been listening to him all week too!!  You all should check him out... James Blunt

Okay dokie... I think I've rambled enough now... So I am off...

Have a wonderful weekend you all!!!


Anonymous said...

I hate when that happens, wait that never happens!  If I nap, I'm still tired enough at night to go to sleep!

AOL sucks, plain and simple, that's why the counters are going all screwy.

I hate men...Just you wait, by the time he's 35...that flub ain't going nowhere so ha on him!

Oh Ciara hit me with a babydoll (on accident) when she was a wee one, girl, I saw stars, like Tom & Jerry cartoon really does happen!  MY nose hurt for a week.

Our school system is so po' they aren't having any field trips this embarrassed!

We have a Nor'Easter headed this way!  A foot of snow?  Ah, what the heck,  I never leave the house anyway!  It'll be another week until I drive the new SUV!

Guess what?  I was such a lucky gal last of our local channels (ever hear of Comcast?) well they do concerts sometimes, and last night was James Blunt himeslf, caught it from the beginning and he sang every song on the album! Man, No Bravery, that's some deep sheet!  My favorite is, oh crap, High, or Goodbye My Lover.

EVERYONE BUY HIS CD!!!!!!!!  God he was super sexy too, so freaking passionate...I think I may just dump Chris Martin and Coldplay altogether!

Love you miss you kiss you,


Anonymous said...

I think you found the answer as to what to do when you have that "can't sleep 'cause I napped" syndrome: get up and do something. I'm glad you decided on journaling for this evening.

Gotta love AOL. Every single day, you can count on them screwing something up, even in a small way. I think there's something written in the psych books about at least being able to count on something.

Have a good weekend!


Anonymous said...

Pulling weeds and watering the flowers?? I'm watching the snow pile up here in Jersey! LOL ~Diane~

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, you just reminded me I should get outside and pull weeds and water flowers too.  I really need to make a flower bed near our patio.  It's kind of bla in our back yard.  I can't wait to get our swing with the awning up.  Then it will look more inviting.  Glad you got a 2 hour nap and a date with your honey!  Yes, that just plain stinks how men can lose weight so easily.  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I can picture little zack toddling around.  I know he will be your sunshine, there is just something special about his smile.
12LBS IS good in two weeks..but he eats no carbs at all?
That would be so hard...

Anonymous said...

Your date with hubby sounds fun...we enjoy just getting out and running to the store and esp. love dinner out.
Before you know it Zachary is going to be walking, maybe running!  :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a normal household over your way with children.  HOORAY for Zachary taking some steps!  Soon he will be all over the place and you really won't get a minute's rest!  All children go through that hitting stage in the face.  I think they love to see the shocked reactions they get.  But, like you did, you have to stop them or it will hurt big time as they do it more often.  LOL!  I haven't heard of James Blunt, I will have to head over to LimeWire and do some downloading huh?  Thanks for the tip!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you got to spend some time with hubby. Target shopping is big fun!
I am really digging James Blunt too. It seems like we all have the Blunt

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've heard of James Blunt.  And I've seen him too... :D
Just what I need, another crush. lol