Sunday, April 2, 2006

~Growing Up~

It is amazing on how quickly my babies are growing up.

It really seems like yesterday when I was pregnant with Rowan.  19 years old... working at a grocery store... deeply in love my with boyfriend... and pregnant.  It is amazing at how many pitiful looks I got from people when they realized I wasn't married and how young I was...

I didn't care then and I still don't.

I'd have to say I'm a pretty lucky 23 year old. 

I am married (now... lol)... I own my own home (that I get to pay lovely house payments for!) and I have 2 beautiful children (that can drive me up a wall quicker than a mustang can go from 0-60).

But you know what?

I wouldn't change it for the world.


Anyway, back to my kids growing up.

It seems like every day, my children are learning new things and growing beyond my imagination.

Rowan is coming into her own person.  Right now, she is Miss Into-Everyone's-Business.  She likes to tattle-tale on her brother- guess she doesn't realize a 13 month old doesn't really know right from wrong- and tell on me too!

I swear, sometimes I look at her and think "You are only 4??"... that is how crazy she is.  She is wise beyond her years... well, most of the time :)

And Mr. Zachary.

Oh, that boy is growing by leaps and bounds every day.

Friday marked a growth point in his life too.

He got his hair cut--- pictures to come soon, I promise.

Yes, he got his hair cut.  I couldn't believe it.  He did so well and didn't seem to care at all that my hair dresser was chopping of his baby hair.  All he did care about was his sucker that he had to distract him :)

Zachary has also learned to point to his nose and ears (sometimes for the ears)... my dad also taught him to wipe his own nose!!  What 13 month old knows how to wipe his nose??  Its the cutest thing.  He'll take the Kleenex and wipe his nose and then hand it back to you.  I swear, I was really surprised to see for the first time.

He is also learning how to feed himself with a fork and spoon.  I think its good for kids to learn this... Rowan was using a fork and spoon very well by the time she was 18 months old... and let me tell you, the doctor was surprised that she was doing it.  So yeah, he is getting to be a big boy.

They are growing up quickly... it is almost kinda sad.


Well, I wanted to write more... but it is getting to be the boys time for bed.  Its time for a warm bottle of milk and then the binkie!!

I've got some more stuff to share later... like the pictures of Zach getting his hair cut... but they'll have to wait!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and also has a great week ahead of them...

Love and Hugs to all,


Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to see zachs new hair cut :)
hope you have a good night
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

Please send the pics. I can not wait! You have the cutest kids and I enjoy seeing how they are growing.
These are the best years..camcord everything and take as many pics as you can..they grow up way too fast.  I know your little man is coming along good..walking and now with his,

Anonymous said...

Boy, don't I understand this entry.  Like Rowan, Parker is 4.  And Autumn is 16 1/2 months (our babies really are close in age, aren't they?).  I often look at Parker and am absolutely shocked by how big he's getting.  And Autumn...she's my little stinker.  But like Zach, she's learns new things everyday.  Her newest word?  "Sorry."  LOL


Anonymous said...

Awwww i cannot wait to see the pics!
Hope you have a good week too

Anonymous said...

Aw sweetie, they do indeed grow up fast.
Before you know it, they will be asking you
for the keys to the car so they can go to
the mall!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

They do grow up fast don't they?  Sometimes you can't wait for them to grow up and stop being babies, but then other times you wish you could shrink them again.  Or maybe that's just when they are going through puberty like my oldest is.  LOL!  Can't wait to see the pictures of Zach getting his very first haircut!!!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Reading your words about your little ones growing up so fast sure did bring back memories for me.  It seems like just yesterday when mine were that small, and now 2 of them are older than you, and 2 are 1 year younger!  Time does fly!  Enjoy them and love them as much as you can, because they really do grow up way to fast!!


Anonymous said...

Holycow my 3 year old niece can't even wipe her nose LOL!

Time does fly...when I was your age I had a 4 year old and a baby too!  Now?  That 4 year old is almost 12 and the baby is going to be nine next month...and let's not forget about Julie!

So, when's your third coming?  I was 25, I think, when I had Jules  ;)


Anonymous said...

your kids are so cute and yep the do grow up fast for sure.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they do grow up way too fast!

I have found there's nothing I (we) can do to stop it ;)

Then again, I kinda like experiencing Grace's new stages as she gets older....

We went through the tattle telling thing... she still tells on herself every time she does something wrong, which I think is cute.  Hope her honesty lasts....

Anyway, I hope you had a great weekend... and Monday :)


Anonymous said...

I'm amazed at how fast time goes by....I know I've wished the time away sometimes, wanting my kids to be at certain stages of their lives and here I am watching my oldest soon to graduate from high school.  It's crazy!!  Life is everchanging and moving way too fast.
Love em and cherish every moment.  :)

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how fast they grow up.  I'm always telling Casey to slow down.  
