Monday, April 11, 2005

~Monday Updates~

Hey all... How was everyone's weekend?  I hope it went well...

This weekend, my parents moved in with us.  They are having a house built and it won't be done for a while, so I told them to come live with us instead of having to find an apartment that allowed dogs and wasting their money on that...

So, we have a full house here in "The Pickle Jar"... Me and Derek, my mom and dad, Miss Rowan and Little Man Zachary... Plus all of our animals... Haha... Its going to be fun... Plus, having them here means that there will be some extra hands to help me take care of the kiddoroos!

The weekend wasn't anything big here at the house... Derek went back to work for the first time on Saturday... It has been 6 weeks that he was home!  It was SERIOUSLY time for him to go back.  I think if he would have been here a little longer, I was going to kill him.

Okay, no, I wouldn't do that... But it was time for him to go back!!  LOL...

Tonight is gym night for Rowan.  I think that it will just be me taking her tonight... The YaYa is going to stay home and cook dinner and possibly watch the Little Man, so it will just be Rowan and Mommy time...

I know this is short, but Derek is only going to be home for a little while longer until he heads off to work and he wants me to watch UFC with him... Boys :D

Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday... Monday....




Anonymous said...

it is great that u guys get a long so well with your parents to let them move in with u until their place is done...i dont know if i could ever live with my parents or in laws now! even though coming home to dinner already made and someone to help take care of kids and clean sounds like a great idea to me! i think just u and rowan going to gym class is a great idea...she still needs some time alone with just mom and with all the attention given to zach the past few weeks with his illness i think this will be a good time for her to be just with her great idea! have a wonderful evening..


Anonymous said...

It's nice having people you trust around to care for you kids...I know I always love it when my parent visit.  I have so much free time, I don't know what to do with myself.

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

It will be so nice to have your parents there with you!!  Can't complain about extra hands to help out ;)


Anonymous said...

Everyday your little man is staying healthy is a wonderful day!

Enjoy those extra hands around the house while u can!

Anonymous said...




Barbie @~>~~~